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Resultaten (170)
morgen verzonden
Lumumba’s Iconography in the Arts
|| Paperback || Matthias De Groof || Leuven University Press
It is no coincidence that a historical figure such as Patrice Emery Lumumba, independent Congo’s first prime minister, who was killed in 1961, has lived in the realm of the cultural imaginary and occupied an afterlife in the arts. After all, his project remained unfinished and his corpse unburied. The figure of Lumumba has been imagined through painting, photography, cinema, poetry, literature, theatre, music, sculpture, fashion, cartoons and stamps, and also through historiography and in p...
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Rester Catholique en France
l’encadrement religieux destiné aux migrants belgo-flamands du Lillois, de Paris et des campagnes françaises 1850-1960
2019 || Paperback || Henk Byls || Leuven University Press
« Splendide famille. Le père, un gars flamand, simple, robuste – la mère profondément religieuse. Les enfants tous débordants de vie. Ils ont un tel courage, pour braver les Français avec leur conviction religieuse. »
Ainsi parlait le père jésuite Frans Van den Brande, l’un des aumôniers des paysans flamands du Nord de la France dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Son activité avait un objectif simple: s’assurer que les émigrés belges restassent catholiques et flamands. L’initi...
morgen verzonden
European Perspectives for Public Administration
The Way Forward
2020 || Paperback || Geert Bouckaert e.a. || Leuven University Press
The public sector in our society has over the past two decades undergone substantial changes, as has the academic field studying Public Administration (PA). In the next twenty years major shifts are further expected to occur in the way futures are anticipated and different cultures are integrated. Practice will be handled in a relevant way, and more disciplines will be engaging in the field of Public Administration.
The prominent scholars contributing to this book put forward research strateg...
morgen verzonden
Performing Hysteria
Images and Imaginations of Hysteria
2020 || Paperback || Johanna Braun || Leuven University Press
morgen verzonden
The Congo in Flemish Literature
An Anthology of Flemish Prose on the Congo, 1870s - 1990s
2020 || Paperback || Luc Renders e.a. || Leuven University Press
This book presents the first anthology of Flemish prose on the Congo, the former colony of Belgium, in English translation. Because of the Dutch language barrier, Flemish literature on the Congo has traditionally remained inaccessible to and thus neglected by international scholarship, as opposed to French or English prose on this part of the African continent. That this particular perspective has thus far remained underexposed, or even disregarded, is all the more regrettable in light of the...
morgen verzonden
Arrival Cities
Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies in the 20th Century
2020 || Paperback || Burcu Dogramaci e.a. || Leuven University Press
Exile and migration played a critical role in the diffusion and development of modernism around the globe, yet have long remained largely understudied phenomena within art historiography. Focusing on the intersections of exile, artistic practice and urban space, this volume brings together contributions by international researchers committed to revising the historiography of modern art. It pays particular attention to metropolitan areas that were settled by migrant artists in the first half o...
morgen verzonden
Turkish German Muslims and Comedy Entertainment
Settling into Mainstream Culture in the 21st Century
2020 || Paperback || Benjamin Nickl || Leuven University Press
Comedy entertainment is a powerful arena for serious public engagement with questions of German national identity and Turkish German migration. The German majority society and its largest labour migrant community have been asking for decades what it means to be German and what it means for Turkish Germans, Muslims of the second and third generations, to call Germany their home. Benjamin Nickl examines through the social pragmatics of humour the dynamics that underpin these questions in the st...
morgen verzonden
Personality Matters
The Translator’s Personality in the Process of Self-Revision
2020 || Paperback || Olha Lehka-Paul || Leuven University Press
The analysis of translated texts and investigations into the cognitive mechanisms involved in the process of translation have been at the core of translation studies so far. Yet Personality Matters ventures into the previously uncharted territories by bringing the translator’s inherent psychological and cognitive features into the limelight. Combining psychology and translation studies, this monograph looks into the role of the translator’s psychological features in self-revision, the mai...
morgen verzonden
Spatial Boundaries, Abounding Spaces
Colonial Borders in French and Francophone Literature and Film
2021 || Paperback || Mohit Chandna || Leuven University Press
Colonialism advanced its project of territorial expansion by changing the very meaning of borders and space. The colonial project scripted a unipolar spatial discourse that saw the colonies as an extension of European borders. In his monograph, Mohit Chandna engages with narrations of spatial conflicts in French and Francophone literature and film from the nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. In literary works by Jules Verne, Ananda Devi, and Patrick Chamoiseau, and film by Michael H...
morgen verzonden
Situatedness and Performativity
Translation & Interpreting Practice Revisited
2021 || Paperback || Raquel Pacheco Aguilar || Leuven University Press
Translating and interpreting are unpredictable social practices framed by historical, ethical, and political constraints. Using the concepts of situatedness and performativity as anchors, the authors examine translation practices from the perspectives of identity performance, cultural mediation, historical reframing, and professional training. As such, the chapters focus on enacted events and conditioned practices by exploring production processes and the social, historical, and cultural cond...