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Resultaten (186)
maandag verzonden
The Story of Barzu / druk 1
As told by two storytellers from Boysun, Uzbekistan
2013 || Paperback || R. Rahmoni e.a. || Leiden University Press
In the area of Boysun, present-day Uzbekistan, there is a living and vivid oral tradition based on stories from the epic Shah-nama. Barzu, son of Suhrab, is tragically killed at the hands of his famous father, the legendary hero Rustam.
The storytellers Jura Kamol and Mullo Ravshan composed two different versions of the story of Barzu in the Tajik as spoken in this area. This is the first printed version including a translation of these stories to appear.
The stories have been transcribed and...
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Laminar technology and the onset of the upper paleolithic in the Altai, Siberia / druk 1
2012 || Paperback || Nicolas Zwyns || Leiden University Press
The Altai region has yielded a cluster of Middle and Upper Paleolithic stratified sites that have been recently excavated using a multidisciplinary approach. These sequences provide key evidence illustrating changes in material culture corresponding to the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic. In Europe, this phenomenon is associated with the replacement of Neandertals by modern humans. Based on this archeological data set, local scholars have put forward a scenario of regional...
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A crusader, Ottoman, and early modern aegean archaeology / druk 1
built environment and domestic material culture in the medieval and post-medieval cyclades, greece (13th-20th centuries AD)
2013 || Paperback || Athanasios K. Vionis || Leiden University Press
This ASLU volume examines the built environment and aspects of domestic material culture of the Late Byzantine/Frankish, Ottoman and Early Modern Cyclades in the Aegean (13th - 20th centuries).
On the basis of primary archaeological data gathered by the Cyclades Research Project, this monograph's aims are the reconstruction of everyday domestic life in towns and villages, the identification of socio-cultural identities that shaped or were reflected on pre-Modern material remains, and the hist...
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A Brief History of Islam in Europe
thirteen centuries of creed, conflict and coexistence
2014 || Paperback || Maurits S. Berger || Leiden University Press
This book gives an overall presentation and discussion of the interaction between Europe and Islam ever since Islam appeared on the European stage thirteen centuries ago. The events and stories presented are to serve the understanding of present debates on, and notions of, Islam and Muslims in Europe.
The leading questions in discussing the role of Islam in Europe are: how and in what ways did Europeans and Muslims interact and, for those Europeans who had never met a Muslim, what was their ...
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Tussen fout en fraude
integriteit en oneerlijk gedrag in wetenschappelijk onderzoek
|| Paperback || Kees Schuyt || Leiden University Press
De toegenomen aandacht voor integriteit kan men nog het beste bezien als onderdeel van een omvattender beroepscultuur in een verhard en kil maatschappelijk klimaat, waarin integriteit, als kernwaarde van het professionele handelen, niet meer vanzelfsprekend is. Er zijn voorbeelden te over.
Aandacht voor wetenschappelijke integriteit past geheel in deze ontwikkeling. Maar wat is nu eigenlijk wetenschappelijke integriteit? Is het van belang om er zoveel aandacht aan te besteden? Om welke probl...
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Manuscripts of the Latin Classics 800-1200 (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Book Culture)
2015 || Paperback || Erik Kwakkel || Leiden University Press
This volume explores the production and use of medieval manuscripts that contain classical Latin texts. Six experts in the field address a range of topics related to these manuscripts, including how classical texts were disseminated throughout medieval society, how readers used and interacted with specific texts, and what these books look like from a material standpoint. This collection of essays also considers the value of studying classical manuscripts as a distinct group, and demonstrates ...
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The Persian Whitman
Beyond a Literary Reception
2019 || Paperback || Behnam M. Fomeshi || Leiden University Press
Walt Whitman, a world poet and the father of American free verse, has been read by diverse audiences from around the world. Literary and cultural scholars have studied Whitman’s interaction with social, political and literary movements of different countries. Despite his continuing presence in Iran, Whitman’s reception in this country has remained unexplored. Additionally, Iranian reception of Western literature is a field still in its infancy and under-researched, particularly due to con...
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Big Books in Times of Big Data
2019 || Paperback || Inge van de Ven || Leiden University Press
This book explores the aesthetics, medial affordances, and cultural economics of monumental literary works of the present. Using a wide-ranging international archive of hefty tomes by authors such as Mark Z. Danielewski, Roberto Bolaño, Elena Ferrante, and Karl Ove Knausgård, George R.R. Martin, Jonathan Franzen, and William T. Vollmann, van de Ven recuperates multiple strands of bigness that speak to the tenuous position of print literature in the present but also to the robust stature of ...
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Pearls of Meanings
Studies on Persian Art, Poetry, Ṣūfīsm and History of Iranian Studies in Europe
2020 || Paperback || Hans de Bruijn || Leiden University Press
Pearls of Meaning offers a collection of essays by J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn, a leading scholar in the field of Persian Studies, in which essential domains of Persian culture such as poetry and Sufism are analyzed in an exemplary fashion. While poetry plays a pivotal position in these essays, the reception of the Persian literary tradition in Europe is another focus of the volume. De Bruijn evaluates the works of a generation of scholars such as A. Reland (1676-1718), C.H. Ethé (1844-1917), J....
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Herensha - Herencia
Reflecties op Antilliaans erfgoed. Deel 2. Nu en verder
2021 || Paperback || Gert Oostindie e.a. || Leiden University Press
Het Antilliaanse culturele erfgoed verdient het om meer aandacht te krijgen en nader te worden onderzocht. Dit tweedelige boek, geschreven door een team van Antilliaanse en Nederlandse wetenschappers, biedt een staalkaart van reflecties op het culturele erfgoed van Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao en van de Antilliaanse diaspora in Nederland. In het eerste deel, Toen en nu, wordt onderzocht hoe in het koloniale verleden werd aangekeken tegen de lokale culturen en hoe die culturen zich langzamerhand...