
Paperback (7)
Hardcover (2)
2017 (2)
2023 (2)

Resultaten (9)

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Not for HR

Because inclusion is teamwork

2023 || Paperback || Wendy Broersen || Vakmedianet


This book is about action. We talk enough about diversity and inclusion, but how do you step-by-step progress towards a sustainably diverse and inclusive organization? What do you do at each moment to get everyone on board? Perfect for beginners, but certainly also for advanced individuals who will gain a clear understanding of the stages of inclusion, whom you need, and what you should do in each phase to create an inclusive organizational culture.

Concrete answers to the above (...

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The power of preeminence / Druk 2

high performance principles to accelerate your business and career

2017 || Paperback || Paul Rulkens || Vakmedianet || met inkijkexemplaar

If you want to accelerate your business and career and stand out like a tall giraffe surrounded by tiny field mice, now is the time to get serious and get going.

In this book, high performance expert Paul Rulkens offers the best ideas, insights and techniques to get everything you can out of everything you have -- from business growth to maximizing your own performance.

In 'The Power of Preeminence' you will learn the critical skills and inside secrets to:

- Focus on the few things necessary...

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Reimagine Teams

2023 || Paperback || Frank Brilman || Vakmedianet

Traditionele teamontwikkeling werkt al tientallen jaren niet meer. Reimagine Teams legt uit waarom niet en biedt een heldere roadmap om teams te bouwen waarmee u wél zakelijke doorbraakresultaten kunt halen. U leert aan de hand van een groot aantal casestudies hoe teams uit de hele wereld een zakelijke transformatie en cultuurverandering tot stand hebben weten te brengen – en dat in slechts drie tot zes maanden!

Reimagine Teams leert u hoe u accountable kunt zijn en doelen kunt bereiken, e...

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dialogue methods in action learning

2016 || Hardcover || Monique Bellersen e.a. || Vakmedianet || met inkijkexemplaar

What questions have you heard recently that made a decisive impact on your work?

Intervision is a form of expertise development in which professionals call on their colleagues and peers to help them gain insights into the problems they have at work. A group of five to eight participants unravels a problem submitted by one participant, the case provider, by asking questions using one or another intervision method. This book explains the top 10 best intervision methods.

The book is about how to...

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Pitch to Win

The Tools That Help Startups and Corporate Innovation Teams Script, Design and Deliver Winning Pitches

2018 || Paperback || David Beckett || Vakmedianet || met inkijkexemplaar

Hi, my name is David Beckett, I’m a pitch coach, and I’m here to ensure your ideas have a voice.

The big pitch is coming up. You’ve got just a few minutes to convince that investor or your Board, that your idea is worth investing money, time and people in. What should you say? How should you say it? And how do you beat those nerves that are already building up inside?

David Beckett has coached over 700 startups to raise over €170 million in investment. And he has trained thousands of pr...

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Growth Hacking

Quickly monetize your biggest opportunity

2021 || Hardcover || Chris Out || Vakmedianet

Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth: Quickly monetize your biggest opportunity.

● Wat is het geheim van extreme omzetgroei?

● Hoe ga je dit kwartaal wel je groeidoelstellingen halen?

● Op welke manier kan je financials in staat stellen om je groei te versnellen?

● Hoe vind ik mezelf constant opnieuw uit, terwijl mijn omzet blijft groeien?

● Hoe zorg je er voor dat de groeiprincipes uit Sillicon Valley ook daadwerkelijk toepasbaar zijn voor jouw bedrijf en niet alleen maar leuke t...

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Me2, Train Your CEO Brain and Become Your Best Self

And Become Your Best Self

2017 || Paperback || Margriet Sitskoorn || Vakmedianet || met inkijkexemplaar

Train Your CEO Brain and Become Your Best Self explains how you can use the plasticity of your brain to develop yourself. This book links theory to practice, and includes targeted exercises to train your executive brain.

Train Your CEO Brain is intended to help you achieve your goals for personal growth, your job or business, your family, or the world around you.

Train Your CEO Brain is useful for whatever specific goal you have in mind: starting a new business, earning a degree, improving yo...

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met 5% korting 43,37

The Corporate Athlete / druk 1

managing (yourself) under pressure

2010 || Paperback || Koen Gonnissen e.a. || Vakmedianet

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The HX factor

2022 || Paperback || Hans van der Heijden || Vakmedianet