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Resultaten (201)
maandag verzonden
Missionaries and Resistance in Guatemala
The Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary during 'La Violencia'
2024 || Hardcover || Mario Trinidad || Leuven University Press
In Guatemala, the 36-year armed conflict from 1960 to 1996 claimed 200,000 lives, over two per cent of the population, and displaced a million more. In the 1970s and the 1980s the widespread and violent repression of social movements fighting for justice and human rights reached unimaginable proportions, involving assassinations, disappearances, and exile. Even parts of the Church, traditionally considered an ally of the powerful and the wealthy, were not spared this fate.
Missionaries and Re...
Plotinus on Individuation
A Study of Ennead V. 7 [18]. Text, Translation, and Commentary
2025 || Hardcover || Ina Schall || Leuven University Press
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Brokers of Modernity
east Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950
2019 || Paperback || Martin Kohlrausch || Leuven University Press
The first half of the twentieth century witnessed the rise of modernist architects. Brokers of Modernity reveals how East Central Europe turned into one of the pre-eminent testing grounds of the new belief system of modernism. By combining the internationalism of the CIAM organization and the modernising aspirations of the new states built after 1918, the reach of modernist architects extended far beyond their established fields. Yet, these architects paid a price when Europe’s age of extre...
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Futures of the Contemporary
contemporaneity, Untimeliness,and Artistic Research
2019 || Paperback || Paulo De Assis e.a. || Leuven University Press
Futures of the Contemporary explores different notions and manifestations of “the contemporary” in music, visual arts, art theory, and philosophy. In particular, the authors in this collection of essays scrutinise the role of artistic research in critical and creative expressions of contemporaneity. When distinguished from “the contemporaneous” of a given historical time, “the contemporary” becomes a crucial concept, promoting or excluding objects and practices according to their ...
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Financing Quality Education for All
The Funding Methods of Compulsory and Special Needs Education
2019 || Paperback || Kristof De Witte e.a. || Leuven University Press
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The Portrait and the Colonial Imaginary
Photography between France and Africa, 1900-1939
2020 || Paperback || Simon Dell || Leuven University Press
French colonisers of the Third Republic claimed not to oppress but to liberate, imagining they were spreading republican ideals to the colonies to make a Greater France. In this book Simon Dell explores the various roles played by portraiture in this colonial imaginary.
Anyone interested in the history of colonial Africa will have encountered innumerable portraits of African elites produced during the first half of the twentieth century, yet no book to date has focused on these ubiquitous ima...
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Migration at Work
Aspirations, Imaginaries & Structures of Mobility
2020 || Paperback || Fiona-Katharina Seiger e.a. || Leuven University Press
The willingness to migrate in search of employment is in itself insufficient to compel anyone to move. The dynamics of labour mobility are heavily influenced by the opportunities perceived and the imaginaries held by both employers and regulating authorities in relation to migrant labour. This volume offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the structures and imaginaries underlying various forms of mobility. Based on research conducted in different geographical contexts, including ...
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Photography's Multitudes
2021 || Paperback || Jacob W. Lewis e.a. || Leuven University Press
From its invention to the internet age, photography has been considered universal, pervasive, and omnipresent. This anthology of essays posits how the question of when photography came to be everywhere shapes our understanding of all manner of photographic media. Whether looking at a portrait image on the polished silver surface of the daguerreotype, or a viral image on the reflective glass of the smartphone, the experience of looking at photographs and thinking with photography is inseparabl...
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Urban Andes
Design-led explorations to tackle climate change
2022 || Paperback || Viviana D’Auria e.a. || Leuven University Press
Climate change in the Andes is affecting the relation between urban development and the landscape. Design-led explorations are reframing landscape logics and urbanisation patterns within the Cachi River Basin of Ayacucho, Peru. A co-production of students, researchers and designers, the book suggests alternative futures, crossing scales of landscape systems to new settlement typologies.
Urban Andes marks the start of the new series LAP on innovative design research in architecture, urbanism, ...
maandag verzonden
The Business of Pleasure
A History of Paid Sex in the Heart of Europe
2024 || Paperback || Elwin Hofman e.a. || Leuven University Press
In 2022, the Belgian parliament made a landmark decision by approving the decriminalisation of sex work. This move positioned the small nation as the first country in Europe – and the second globally – to abandon the hypocrisy of tolerance. Yet this was not the first time paid sex in Belgium gained international notoriety. The bathhouses of the fifteenth-century ‘frows of Flanders’ were well-known throughout Europe. In the nineteenth century, Belgium faced international outrage as the...