Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (8)
maandag verzonden
Michael, M: Actor-Network Theory
2017 || Hardcover || Michael || SAGE
Michael explains how the theory of ANT can be applied across a range of fields to provide readers with an engaging and critical overview
maandag verzonden
Qualitative Researching
2017 || Hardcover || Mason || SAGE
The third edition of this bestselling text guides students and researchers through the process of doing qualitative research, clearly explaining how different theoretical approaches inform what you do in practice.
maandag verzonden
Social Changes in a Global World
2017 || Hardcover || Schuerkens || SAGE
From renowned author Ulrike Schuerkens comes an in-depth exploration of social transformations and developments. Combining an international approach with up-to-date research, this book provides a comprehensive introduction perfect for a range of Sociology courses taught at first and second year.
maandag verzonden
Integrating Analyses in Mixed Methods Research
2017 || Hardcover || Bazeley || SAGE
This book goes beyond mixed methods research design and data collection to provide a pragmatic discussion of the challenges of effectively integrating data to encourage a more comprehensive and rigorous level of analysis.
maandag verzonden
Symbolic Exchange and Death
2017 || Hardcover || Baudrillard || SAGE
Examines humanities and social sciences around the idea of postmodernism. This book leads the reader on an exhilarating tour encompassing the end of Marxism, the enchantment of fashion, symbolism about sex and the body, and the relations between economic exchange and death.
maandag verzonden
Big Data in Education
The digital future of learning, policy and practice
2017 || Hardcover || Williamson || SAGE
This cutting-edge overview explores big data and the related topic of computer code, examining the implications for education and schooling for today and the near future.
maandag verzonden
Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
2017 || Hardcover || Frieman || SAGE
Using real research on antisocial behaviours such as cyberbullying, prejudice and discrimination, this text helps readers across the social sciences to understand the underlying theory behind statistical methods.
maandag verzonden
Understanding Case Study Research
Small-scale Research With Meaning
2017 || Hardcover || Tight || SAGE
With a grounding in both theory and practice, this book focuses on the use and consumption of case studies to show readers the value and effectiveness of using this research method for their projects.