Resultaten (5)
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Environmental Science / 10th Edition
2019 || Hardcover || Daniel D. Chiras || Jones and Bartlett Publishers
A Thoroughly Revised and Updated Edition of an Acclaimed Environmental Science Text
Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.
Designed for the undergraduate, introductory environmental science course, the thoroughly updated and redesigned tenth edition of Environmental Science continues to present a compre...
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics / 5th edition
A Contemporary Approach - International Student Edition
2021 || Hardcover || Jonathan M. Harris e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Adopts a pluralist approach introducing students to both environmental economics and ecological economics highlighting the explanatory power, and complementarity, of both approaches in exploring the economics of environmental and natural resource issues. This edition includes enhanced and updated coverage of topics such as the Green New Deal, post-Paris climate discussions, development in carbon trading systems, and deforestation in the Amazon to ensure the text is up-to-speed with the latest...
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The Burning Earth
An Environmental History of the Last 500 Years
2024 || Hardcover || Sunil Amrith || Penguin Books Ltd
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Duurzaam ontwerpen van groene ruimten / Druk 2
2022 || Hardcover || Sylvie Van Damme e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Dit vademecum biedt handvaten voor het ontwerpen van groene ruimten vanuit een duurzame ambitie. Eerst komen een aantal sleutelbegrippen aan bod. Vervolgens toont het aan hoe een geïntegreerde synthese van meerschalig, meerlagig en meervoudig ontwerpen kan leiden tot kwalitatieve en duurzame groene ruimten. Specifieke aandacht gaat hierbij naar praktische ‘tips and tricks’. Daarnaast bevat dit vademecum een draaiboek dat in zeven fasen het projectproces beschrijft om groene ruimten te ma...
Environment: Science, Issues, Solutions
Science, Issues, Solutions
2016 || Hardcover || Manuel Molles e.a. || Macmillan
Written by bestselling author Manuel Molles and acclaimed science journalist Brendan Borrell, this new textbook gives non-major students the scientific foundation they need to understand environmental issues and think critically about possible solutions. Molles and Borrell make clear the connections between research and real-world problems with a "science/issues/solutions" framework for each chapter. This unique approach reinforces a positive, solutions-based framework for the science, empowe...