
ArtEZ Press (2)
Engels (3)
Nederlands (2)
Paperback (4)

Resultaten (5)

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The Dwarf in the Chess Machine

Benjamin’s Hidden Doctrine

2019 || Paperback || Lieven de Cauter || nai010 uitgevers publishers

This thorough study on the work of the German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin exposes - in Benjamin’s own metaphor - the ‘dwarf of theology’ hidden in the machinery of his work, his own form of ‘historical materialism’. In doing so it unearths and explains his language theory, his art theory, his most cryptic baroque book, his philosophy of history, and, last but not least, his famous labyrinthine unfinished opus magnum on Paris, The Arcades project (the first philosophical book ...

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A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands

Platforms, Policies, Technologies

2019 || Paperback || Marga van Mechelen e.a. || Jap Sam Books

This edited volume offers an in-depth exploration of Dutch media art from 1985 onwards from many different perspectives. Through early access to the Internet, state subsidies and dedicated institutions and festivals, a vivid counter-cultural environment and a cosmopolitan artistic and intellectual scene the Netherlands hold a unique position in regards to the development of media art.

Introduced by four chapters that retrace the main events and actors (governmental institutions, festivals an...

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Het onverantwoordelijke gebaar - of ga terug naar waar je vandaan komt

Huizinga-lezing 2019

2020 || Paperback || Marlene Dumas || EW-boeken || met inkijkexemplaar

Het onverantwoordelijke gebaar - of ga terug naar waar je vandaan komt

Dit boek bevat de uitgebreide, geannoteerde en geïllustreerde versie van de 48ste Huizinga-lezing die Marlene Dumas vrijdagavond 6 december 2019 heeft uitgesproken in de Pieterskerk in Leiden. Dumas spreekt onder meer over het onderscheid tussen de kunstenaar en diens werk, het nadeel van een titel en de naaktheid van mannen in de kunst. Het boek bevat tevens een interview met Marlene Dumas, een schets van het leven en we...

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Cy Twombly’s Quattro Stagioni

Studies in art-based learning

2019 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

The fourth instalment of the ‘Teaching Objects’ series revolves around “Creation”. In this art novella the reader is guided by Lisa, a young artist who is facing death. A dialogue with four works by the American painter Cy Twombly emerges from the question of life’s duration, and Lisa discovers the secret of creative speech. The protagonist’s thoughts bring her to Gaeta, a seaside town near Velia, the ancient Greek town in Italy, now named Elea – the place where the school of Pa...

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Theory in the Arts

Theory as Practice, Practice as Theory

2019 || Paperback || Peter Sonderen || ArtEZ Press

What do we mean by theory in the arts, and what role does it play in that sense? Theory appears as an active, transformative, fluid, and communicative element of art practices, and research in the arts in particular. Theory is the fluid that perfuses and connects the territory of fine art and design, as well as other art forms such as music, architecture, writing, moving images, dance, and theatre. At the heart of this publication is the new field of research in theory and the way the ArtEZ T...