
Bart Wernaart (2)
Paperback (8)
Engels (7)
Nederlands (2)

Resultaten (9)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Essentials of EU Law

2017 || Paperback || August Reinisch || Cambridge University Press

Students new to the study of EU law can find knowing what questions to ask to be as much of a challenge as answering them. This book clearly sets the scene: it explores the history and institutions of the EU, examines the interplay of its main bodies in its legislative process and illustrates the role played by the EU Courts and the importance of fundamental rights. The student is also introduced to the key principles of the internal market, in particular the free movement of goods and the fr...

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European health law

2017 || Paperback || André den Exter || Maklu Uitgevers N.V.

European Health Law is the most authoritative guide to the subject. Written by leading experts in health law, this book offers an in depth review of the main themes in European health law, from patients' rights and duties, the role of health professionals, and health care financing and rationing, to public health and health related issues, such as occupational health and environmental health. An unparalleled resource for students and practitioners, this is the book you need on European health...

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met 5% korting 75,05

The making of a New European legal culture: the Aarhus Convention

At the crossroad of comparative law and EU law

2017 || Paperback || Roberto Caranta e.a. || Europa Law Publishing

The Aarhus Convention entered into force more than 20 years ago. It lays down the pillars of environmental democracy, that is a governance systems where citizens and civil society organisations are fully involved in the decisions affecting the environment we all live in. On the one hand the Convention drew on the experience of those jurisdictions where environmental concerns run deeper. On the other hand, once enacted, it was expected to bring about important changes in those jurisdictions wh...

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met 5% korting 28,98

The T-shaped Lawyer and Beyond

rethinking legal professionalism and legal education for contemporary societies

2017 || Paperback || Elaine Mak || Eleven international publishing

Which role, competences, and ethical mind-set should legal professionals have in order to contribute meaningfully to the challenges of contemporary societies? How should universities prepare students for their future roles as lawyers, judges, or legal scholars?

In this inaugural lecture, Elaine Mak traces the emergence of the image of the T-shaped lawyer, which has become prominent in current debates in law schools and legal practice. She demonstrates how organisational demands - relating to ...

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Inleiding Humanitair Oorlogsrecht (Heruitgave)

2017 || Paperback || Arjen Vermeer e.a. || T.M.C. Asser Press

Humanitair oorlogsrecht is het internationale recht dat geldt tijdens gewapende conflicten, met het doel de schadelijke gevolgen voor mensen te beperken en - waar mogelijk - te voorkomen. Humanitair oorlogsrecht beschermt personen die niet (of niet meer) deelnemen aan een gewapend conflict en het geeft regels die wapens en het gebruik ervan beperken.Het Rode Kruis is van oudsher de promotor en bewaker van het humanitair oorlogsrecht en speelt een belangrijke rol in conflictgebieden. De afdeli...

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met 5% korting 49,40

Protection of immovable cultural heritage properties in terms of climate change

legal and strategic framework of adaptation

2017 || Paperback || Tamara Gajinov e.a. || Europa Law Publishing

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International law and Business

A global introduction

2017 || Paperback || Bart Wernaart || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

This book offers you a truly international view on business law. It not only focuses on global organizations and economic cooperation, but also on the law of nations. The book is well-written and the many interesting examples make it genuinely fun to read and explore.

Why Mondial Business Law?

* offers a truly international view on business law;

* rich and colourful examples make difficult legal structures easy to grasp;

* fun to read and explore.

Mondial Business Law consists of four parts. It s...

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met 5% korting 43,65

Reports NACIIL/Preadviezen NVRII Universele werking voor niet-EU insolventies?

nVRII preadvies 2016

2017 || Paperback || Boom uitgevers Den Haag

Op 10 november 2016 vierde de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijkend en Internationaal Insolventierecht (NVRII) haar eerste lustrum. Deze jaarvergadering stond geheel in het teken van het preadvies van mr. dr. A.J. Berends: "Universele Werking voor Niet-EU insolventies?".

In dit preadvies bespreekt Berends de gevolgen in Nederland van een insolventieprocedure die is geopend in een staat die geen lidstaat (meer) is van de Europese Unie. Gelet op de 'Brexit', een zeer actueel en belangri...

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International law and Business (e-book)

A global introduction

2017 || E-book via Bookshelf || Bart Wernaart || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

This book offers you a truly international view on business law. It not only focuses on global organizations and economic cooperation, but also on the law of nations. The book is well-written and the many interesting examples make it genuinely fun to read and explore.

Why Mondial Business Law?

* offers a truly international view on business law;

* rich and colourful examples make difficult legal structures easy to grasp;

* fun to read and explore.

Mondial Bus...