
Engels (2)
Paperback (2)

Resultaten (3)

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Voyage of Discovery

exploring the collections of the Asian Library of Leiden University

2017 || Hardcover || Alexander Reeuwijk || Leiden Publications

The Asian Library of Leiden University houses the world renowned and extensive Asian collections. This includes the largest collection on Indonesia worldwide and some of the foremost collections on South and Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Korea.

"Voyage of Discovery" contains more than twenty essays of academics, curators and authors on various aspects on their experience with the Leiden collections.

Richly illustrated and showcasing twenty-five treasures from the Asian Library, such as uni...

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World History – A Genealogy

private Conversations with World Historians, 1996-2016

2017 || Paperback || Carolien Stolte e.a. || Leiden Publications

"World History - A Genealogy" charts the history of the discipline through twenty-five in-depth conversations with historians whose work has shaped the field of World History in various fundamental ways. These conversations, which took place over a period of twenty years in and around Leiden University for its World History journal "Itinerario", cover these historians' lives, their work, and their views of the Academy in general and the field of World History in particular. An extensive intro...

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Sporen van de slavernij in Leiden

2017 || Paperback || Gert Oostindie e.a. || Leiden Publications

Eeuwenlang was Nederland betrokken bij slavenhandel en slavernij, een geschiedenis van uitbuiting en onverholen racisme. Dat verleden speelde zich niet alleen ver weg af, in Afrika en de Cariben, ook dichtbij zijn er sporen van terug te vinden. Zo ook in Leiden zoals deze gids in een vierluik laat zien.

'Zwart en wit' biedt vignetten van zwarte mensen, al dan niet slaaf, die ooit in Leiden woonden, en van witte Leidenaren die iets met hen te maken hadden. In het volgende hoofdstuk passeren pr...