Resultaten (5)
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Statistiek in stappen / Druk 4
2021 || Paperback || Nel Verhoeven || Boom
De methode ‘Statistiek in stappen’ slaagt erin om statistiek interessant te maken voor studenten en docenten. Het boek legt op logische wijze uit hoe een bepaalde techniek werkt en waarvoor deze gebruikt wordt, met behulp van relevante en actuele voorbeelden. De nadruk ligt niet zozeer op de formules achter de technieken (hoewel deze wel worden uitgelegd), maar meer op de toepassing ervan. Zo wordt statistiek een handig instrument dat je helpt bij het verwerken van kwantitatieve gegevens.
Om het leren gemakkelijker te maken, is er bij deze methode een aantal hulpmiddelen beschikbaar, zoals leerdoelen, checkpoints en opdrachten. Op de bijbehorende website vind je extra materiaal, zoals uitwerkingen van de opdrachten en checkpoints, handige links en extra uitleg over SPSS...
Research Methods / 3rd edition
The basics
2021 || Paperback || Nicholas Walliman || Taylor & Francis
Research Methods: The Basics is an accessible, user-friendly introduction to the different aspects of research theory, methods and practice. This third edition provides an expanded and fully updated resource suitable for students and practitioners in a wide range of disciplines including the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is structured in two parts - the first covers the nature of knowledge and the reasons for doing research, the second explains the specific methods used...
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Data and Society
A Critical Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Anne Beaulieu e.a. || SAGE
The standard teaching text for Data and Society modules explaining to undergraduates, in different social-science disciplines, the Big Data Revolution in an accessible and critical way.
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Thinking Through Communication / 9th International Student Edition
An Introduction to the Study of Human Communication
2021 || Paperback || Sarah Trenholm || Taylor & Francis
The 9th edition of this textbook for hybrid introductory communication courses provides a balanced introduction to the fundamental theories and principles of communication. The book explores communication in a variety of contexts-including interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass media-and provides students the theoretical knowledge and the research and critical thinking skills they'll need to succeed in advanced communication courses and communication professions. The first section exp...
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The Data Revolution / 2nd Edition
A Critical Analysis of Big Data, Open Data and Data Infrastructures
2021 || Paperback || Rob Kitchin || SAGE
Widely acknowledged as being the first academic text to provide a critical overview of the (big) data revolution and the classification of data which it outlined is now widely used/recognised as the taxonomy in social science. The Data Revolution a canonical text in data studies and the wider social sciences.