
Engels (5)
Nederlands (2)

Resultaten (7)

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'Vergeten' Bandkeramiek

Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland

2014 || Paperback || Ivo van Wijk e.a. || Sidestone Press

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis van deze cultuur te vergroten. Naast grote opgravingen die door de Universiteit Leiden zijn uitgevoerd, heeft veel (meest kleinschaliger) onderzoek plaatsgevonden dat minstens belangrijke aanvullende gegevens kan bieden, zo niet een ander licht kan w...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 61,75

Larger than Life

The Ommerschans hoard and the role of giant swords in the European Bronze Age (1500-1100 BC)

2024 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz e.a. || Sidestone Press

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Collecting Ancient Europe

National Museums and the search for European Antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century

2020 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz || Sidestone Press

In order to understand our past, we need to understand ourselves as archaeologists and our discipline. This volume presents recent research into collecting practices of European Antiquities by national museums, institutes and individuals during the 19th and early 20th-century, and the ‘Ancient Europe’ collections that resulted and remain in many museums.

This was the period during which the archaeological discipline developed as a scientific field, and the study of the archaeological par...

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Persistent traditions / druk 1

2013 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz || Sidestone Press

This volume contains the appendices to the thesis "Persistent traditions. A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)" (ISBN: 9789088902031).

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology of the communities involved in the process...

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met 5% korting 23,70

Doggerland / Druk 3

Verdwenen wereld in de Noordzee

2021 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz e.a. || Sidestone Press

Dit publieksboek (3de druk) vertelt het verhaal van één van de belangrijkste, maar minst bekende archeologische vindplaatsen van Europa: Doggerland. Slechts weinigen weten dat onze stranden aan de rand liggen van een enorm verdwenen landschap. Een prehistorische wereld die bijna een miljoen jaar menselijke bewoning documenteert en die gedurende het grootste deel van die tijd droog lag.

Het is de plek waar meer dan 900.000 jaar geleden de eerste voetstappen van vroege mensachtigen in Noord-...

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Lost World under the North Sea

2022 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz e.a. || Sidestone Press

This popular-science book tells the story of one of the most important, but least known major archaeological sites in Europe: Doggerland. Few people know that the beaches along the North Sea lie on the edge of a vast lost world. A prehistoric landscape that documents almost a million years of human habitation and lay dry for most of that time.

Doggerland is where early hominids left the first footprints in northern Europe, more than 900,000 years ago. Later, for hundreds of thousands of year...

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Persistent traditions / druk 1

Paperback || Luc Amkreutz || Sidestone Press

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology of the communities involved in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC). It elucidates the role played by the indigenous communities in relation to their environmental context and in view of the changes that becoming Neolit...