
Hardcover (2)
2023 (2)

Resultaten (3)

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Marker Wadden

Nature, building, designing

2023 || Hardcover || Rik de Visser e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

The design story of Marker Wadden is unique. This man-made group of uninhabited islands in the Markermeer mainly comprises marshes and shallow waters, which makes them perfect bird habitats. Only the main island is accessible to the public.

This newest piece of the Netherlands – its landscape, the urban design of the settlement and the architecture – has been designed with care and attention. An impressive approach that leaves the shaping of the landscape largely to nature. By realizing M...

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OASE 107

De tekening in landschapsontwerp en stedenbouw

2020 || Paperback || Bart Decroos e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

In de afgelopen decennia heeft het tekenen in de context van landschapsontwerp en stedenbouw een aantal transformaties ondergaan. Recente ontwikkelingen in de theorie en de praktijk hebben het onderscheid tussen beiden doen vervagen. De twee disciplines worden niet langer beschouwd als bouwen – of tuinieren – ‘op grotere schaal’, vooral in de context van kwesties als woningbouw, landinrichting en uiterlijk vertoon. Tegenwoordig spelen de ecologie en de energietransitie of ‘metaboleâ...

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Marker Wadden

Natuur, bouwen, ontwerpen

2023 || Hardcover || Rik de Visser e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

The story of the designing Marker Wadden is unique. In only a couple of years, a completely new group of artificial islands has been created in the Markermeer. This archipelago is composed mainly of marshes and shallow waters, and is designed a perfect habitat for bird colonies. Only the main island is accessible for visitors.The story of the designing Marker Wadden is unique. In only a couple of years, a completely new group of artificial islands has been created in the Markermeer. This arch...