Resultaten (4)
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Teaching in Higher Education
2023 || Paperback || Becker || SAGE
This is a practical 'how-to' guide, exploring how teaching can support your research. Written by lecturers who have taught for many years, the 'voice of experience' sections support and encourage you in your move towards becoming a successful and confident educator.
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Seven Steps to a Successful Career: A Guide to Employability
2023 || Paperback || Becker || SAGE
Your quick-fix guide to maximising your skills and employability at university and beyond, planning your dream career and winning your ideal job.
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Presenting Your Research: Conferences, Symposiums, Poster Presentations and Beyond
2023 || Paperback || Becker || SAGE
Tackling all the obstacles that are associated with presenting research, this handy guide will help students successfully and productively present relevant and engaging material.
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Publishing Journal Articles
2012 || Paperback || Becker || SAGE
Practical, no-nonsense, accessible guide to planning, writing and publishing a journal article.