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Levertijd: 29 werkdagen

Critical Thinking and Communication / 7th edition

The Use of Reason in Argument

2014 || Paperback || Edward Inch e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Stresses the importance of argumentation in everyday life Critical Thinking and Communication, 7/e, encourages students to develop skills in constructing and refuting arguments in contexts ranging from informal conversations to structured debates. The authors stress the importance of argumentation in everyday life while building student competence and critical awareness. Through exercises and examples, students learn to create arguments and develop, understand, and interpret extended cases.

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Critical Thinking and Communication / 7th edition (e-book)

The Use of Reason in Argument

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Edward Inch e.a. || Pearson

Stresses the importance of argumentation in everyday life Critical Thinking and Communication, 7/e, encourages students to develop skills in constructing and refuting arguments in contexts ranging from informal conversations to structured debates. The authors stress the importance of argumentation in everyday life while building student competence and critical awareness. Through exercises and examples, students learn to create arguments and develop, understand, and interpret extended cases...