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Quimbanda Grimoire
Sigils, Spells and Rituals with Eshus
2023 || Paperback || Asamod Ka || Bookmundo.pt
Grimoire entirely dedicated to the Afro-Brazilian Quimbanda.
There are 143 pages of powerful content, including descriptions of the Kingdoms and phalanges of Quimbanda, the Chief Eshús and Pombagiras from each Realm.
How to activate the sigils (points).
There are scratched points (magickal sigils) of these entities, sung points (hymns), various spells for protection, and love bindings.
Strong spells in graveyards.
Glossary of terms, a powerful gunpowder spell for spiritual cleansing or disob...
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Mammon Grimoire
Prosperity Spells Unveiled
2023 || Paperback || Asamod Ka || Bookmundo.pt
Great Mammon grimoire.
Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on the internet for a 'pact with Mammon,' invest in this book.
It contains 100 pages of spells and rituals for abundance. The authentic pact with Mammon, incorporating Mammon's invocations, incrementally.
The book also includes a chapter dedicated to financial education, entrepreneurship tips, the application of the law of attraction, NLP techniques, and strategies to transform your mindset for success. You will also find inspirin...
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Ex Umbra- Necromancy Grimoire
2023 || Paperback || Asamod Ka || Bookmundo.pt
Communion with the dead.
Necromancy without illegal practices. Divination with the spirits of the dead. Ancestors worship as done in Egypt, Sumeria, ancient Rome and Mexico.
Different scrying mirrors, scrying with Hekate, Tiamat, Mammitu. Clairvoyance and clairaudience exercises. How to perform a séance or "misa".
EVP: Electric Voice Phenomenon.
Powerful Palo Mayombe and Hoodoo spells. Cemetery Hoodoo spells, using dirt from graveyards and summon spirits.
Summoning the dead, mixed spiritism ...
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Hechizos de Amarres y Dominio
2023 || Paperback || Asamod Ka || Bookmundo.pt
El objetivo de esta obra es reunir solo hechizos de amarres en un solo libro, pongo hechizos de amarres populares (de magia afrobrasileña), algunos de vudú, de magia gitana y otros de magia egipcia. Amarres de Quimbanda (con Maria Padilha, Pomba-gira, Maria Quitéria, Eshú, etc.) los más efectivos, amarres de Santería.
Hay alrededor de 100 poderosos hechizos en 110 páginas.
Rituales de amarres vudú, de la santería.
Ritual de Pomba-gira de las Almas, Maria Mulambo, Eshú Veludo, Eshú-...
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Ex Umbra- Grimorio de Nigromancia
2023 || Paperback || Asamod Ka || Bookmundo.pt
Comunión con los muertos, 168 páginas. Nigromancia sin prácticas ilegales. Adivinación con los espíritus de los muertos. Los antepasados cultuados en Egipto, Sumeria, la antigua Roma y México.
Diferentes espejos de scrying, adivinación con Hekate, Tiamat, Mammitu. Ejercicios de videncia y clariaudiencia. Cómo llevar a cabo una sesión espiritual o “misa”.
EVP: Fenómeno de Voz Electrónica.
Poderosos hechizos de Palo Mayombe y Hoodoo. Hechizos de Hoodoo en el cementerio, usando ti...