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2013 (2)

Resultaten (4)

Vandaag besteld,
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PMI’s PMBOK® Guide in een notendop 2de druk / Druk 2

Op basis van PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition

2019 || Paperback || Anton Zandhuis e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Dit pocketboek is een samenvatting van ‘A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge’, beter bekend als ‘PMBOK® Guide’. Het geeft een snelle introductie en een gestructureerd overzicht van dit populaire raamwerk voor projectmanagement en verduidelijkt ook de mogelijke integratie van agile principes in projectmanagement. De inhoud van dit boek is gebaseerd op de PMBOK® Guide 6th edition uit 2017.

Het is bestemd voor iedereen die de PMBOK® Guide wil leren kennen of meer te wet...

Vandaag besteld,
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ISO 21500 in practice / deel A management guide / druk 1

the international guidance on project management

|| Paperback || Andre Legerman e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

ISO 21500, officially published in September 2012, is the first overarching guideline for project management that presents a common frame of reference and a process standard. This international standard firmly positions projects within the context of programs and project portfolios and is the basis for further development of the project management profession.

This book explains the background, the value, the implementation and the application of ISO 21500 for each type of organization. It des...

Vandaag besteld,
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A pocket companion to PMI's PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition / Druk 5

2013 || Paperback || Paul Snijders e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Note: This pocket book is available in several languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch.

This pocket guide is based on the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition. It contains a summary of the PMBOK® Guide, to provide a quick introduction as well as a structured overview of this framework for project management. This pocket guide deals with the key issues and themes within project management and the PMBOK® Guide as follows:

- Key terms and definitions in the project management profession

- A sh...

Vandaag besteld,
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ISO 21500 Guidance on project management / druk 1

a pocket guide

2013 || Paperback || Anton Zandhuis e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

This pocket guide explains the content and the practical use of ISO 21500 - Guidance on project management, the latest international standard for project management, and the first of a family of ISO standards for project, portfolio and program management.

ISO 21500 is meant for senior managers and project sponsors to better understand project management and to properly support projects, for project managers and their team members to have a reference for comparing their projects to others a...