
Marketing (2)

Resultaten (4)

Leverbaar vanaf 22 november

Heart to Heart

Inspiration from early childhood

2023 || Paperback || Binu Singh || Pelckmans

In this book, Binu Singh aims to give a voice to children up to 6 years old and invites you to look at your own life and society from their perspective. She makes a heartfelt call for more focus on our early childhood. She does this through inspiring quotes and short texts on topics such as the inner child, secure attachment, toxic stress, healing through connection, a mother’s power, a father’s power, self-care and social support. Binu Singh brings together science and wisdom and present...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

De toekomstformule

De zoektocht naar de spelregels van morgen

2023 || Paperback || Jo Caudron || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar

De wereld bevindt zich op een keerpunt. Voor het eerst in onze recente geschiedenis is er een overheersend gevoel dat mens, maatschappij en economie op een andere manier verder moeten. Het oude model, het oude normaal, lijkt stilaan op zijn einde te lopen.

We zijn natuurlijk al langer bekend met grote uitdagingen zoals klimaatverandering, digitale transformatie, en maatschappelijke evoluties op het vlak van wonen, werken, mobiliteit, gezondheidszorg en migratie. Sinds kort hebben we echter te...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Trendsurfing (Engelse versie)

Innovating on Waves of Change

2023 || Paperback || Bert Van Thilborgh || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar

In TRENDSURFING, trendwatcher Bert Van Thilborgh guides you through the processes of change in our rapidly evolving, highly volatile and deceptively ambiguous world. In this methodological book, the author clarifies the techniques of trend analysis and positions them in a structural model. In addition, the book offers numerous tips and tricks that will help readers surf the waves of innovation, identify emerging trends and respond to them effectively.

Bert observes, quantifies, explains and i...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Brand design and graphic identity

Bridging the gap between business and creativity

2023 || Paperback || Thomas van Ryckeghem e.a. || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar

Are you a professional often involved with brands and their visual communication, but not really a designer? Do you want to better understand how brands communicate? Do you often need to advise or manage designers? Or would you like to start as a designer yourself? This book aims to bridge the gap between business and creativity in visual communication.

To eliminate the noise in visual communication as much as possible, we provide managers and graphic designers a common language to communicat...