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Introduction to Physical Hydrology
2010 || Paperback || Martin Hendriks || Oxford University Press
Water dominates our lives: we live on a planet with much water and our lives depend on it in many ways. Despite the seeming abundance of water on the planet - with over 70% being salt water - human activity and prevailing climate conditions are placing more pressure on our supply of water than ever before, however. With this pressure comes a need to understand the physical principles of hydrology - the study of the occurrence, movement, and physical properties ofnon-oceanic water on and below...
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 10th edition
With 2 years' access to both premium online and app
2020 || Paperback || Diana Lea e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling advanced level dictionary for learners of English. Now in its 10th edition, the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or OALD, is your complete guide to learning English vocabulary with definitions that learners can understand, example sentences showing language in use, and the new Oxford 3000 (TM) and Oxford 5000 (TM) word lists providing core vocabulary that every student needs to learn. OALD is more than a dictionary.
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Introduction to International Development / 4th edition
Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Paul A. Haslam e.a. || Oxford University Press
The most comprehensive introduction to international development, with chapters by leading experts who explore the field's most pressing issues and debates. Introduction to International Development is a collection of contributed chapters comprised of original essays by leading experts from a variety of disciplines. With four new chapters and the most up-to-date content on the global COVID-19 pandemic, this fully revised edition continues to give students a foundational overview to the field ...