Resultaten (19)
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21 educational experiments with FEM
2015 || Paperback || J. van Kreij || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
This book
- is aimed at mechanical engineering students who already have experience in calculating stresses analytically.
- teaches students how to interpret stress-results in FEM-analyses.
- teaches students the difference between solid, shell and beam-elements.
- is written independent of FEM-software, therefore any FEM- software can be used in combination with this book.
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Simul terminus
a play
2015 || Paperback || Eddy van Ginckel || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
In ‘Simul Terminus,’ the spectator gets some honest, very engaging, often disarming and moving images from the lives of two residents in a retirement home. They’re both 87 years old, walking together through a field of memories towards their final destination. A funny, sometimes moving dialogue theatre, that takes us into the world of growing older. The setting is the recreation room in a home for the elderly. Not much comfort, a sofa, a few small tables, some chairs, an old radio on a ...
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Business evaluation canvas
business model canvas 2.0
2015 || Paperback || Jorrit Koeman || Brave New Books
Ever wonder if your business is on the right track or if your business is prepared for the market? That’s what the Business Evaluation Canvas is for!
The Business Evaluation Canvas has an impressive track record for accuracy above 80%. With 30.000 evaluated projects over 40 years, this approach is made of the 8 critical elements from the PIES and NEWPROD models, and has been combined with the 8 building blocks of the Business Model Canvas.
The benefits of the Business Evaluation Canvas can...
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The book of Bob
his bookreviews, essays, memoirs and more
2015 || Paperback || Bob Maram || Brave New Books
ISBN 9789402138467
Bob Maram (1931, Chicago) made his career as a banker who transformed nightly into an avant-garde actor in downtown Chicago. When retired he joined his wife Ineke in Ghana where she worked as a tropical doctor.
Bob is an critical reader of history and American literature and delights in music and acting. In Ghana his writing started with his play (2007), followed by essays, book reviews and loose notes left here and there in drawers, his diary.
In his work, like in a del...
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kabbalah and science
2015 || Paperback || Hans Christiaan Mol || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
In the years when I studied transpersonal psychology I wrote three
books on kabbalah and science. Now for the first time you get all three-in-one.
The book gives a first and unique glance
on the intimate relations between the old kabbalistic teachings and the present day psychological sciences.
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Who killed Henry?
2015 || Paperback || Henry van Buuren || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Understand more about present wars in the Middle East and attacks on the West. The struggle for energy, played a central role in world politics before!
Reading like a thriller, this biographical adventure shows how oil played a decisive role in the 2nd World War and how the struggle for energy led to personal tragedy. Was Henry van der Waerdens’ death in 1937 murder, or did he commit suicide?
The events bring us to the year 1937 in Europe, when two prominent Shell-oil-men were swept off th...
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Second Thoughts From A Grumpy Innovator
2015 || Paperback || Costas Papaikonomou || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Costas Papaikonomou is one of the founders of Happen.com, one of the fastest growing creative innovation agencies of the 21st century. A career in innovation – studying, dreaming, creating, researching and realizing new products. It’s been an amazing journey, playing in the birth chambers of mass market multinationals. Nevertheless he’s quite grumpy.
Why are so many brilliant ideas culled before they’ve had a chance to shine in the real world?
Why are so many awful ideas pushed throug...
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Bijbels Christen: persoonlijk & samen
2015 || Paperback || Nelly Spreeuwenberg Derix || Brave New Books
Persoonlijk Bijbels Christen zijn: het is echt heel anders dan kerklid zijn op de brede kerkweg. Anders in geloof, anders in het leggen van dat geloof, anders in normen, waarden en het dagelijks volbrengen ervan; en natuurlijk op een smal, persoonlijk en proactief pad. Beslist geen kerkelijk massaverschijnsel en zeker niet populair te noemen dus. Desondanks het enige levende, inhoudelijke en kloppende geloof zonder afgoderij of andere wereldse verbintenissen. Alleen zo ben je Christen; alleen...
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the last prophet (of the western world)
2015 || Paperback || Ama Stryber || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
QUOTE: The Western-World leaves the Hedonism-Path; convert again to the Christian-Morals and Faith as preached by The-Vatican. Convert their Weapon-Industry to Plants that fabricate parts for SOLAR-DESALINATION-PLANTS; and put those Solar-Desalination-Plants; with the help of the Middle-East-Countries, (for-free); on the beaches of all Countries in need on Earth; as a Repent for all their GENOCIDE//MORTAL-SINS. And with this Voluntary-Act, they let the Desserts-Flourish again, and Avoid the O...
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autobiography of a faithful drifter
2015 || Paperback || Rienk Kroese || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
This book is my story, as it is lived. At the end you may feel unsatisfied, but that is not of my concern. I am not here to satisfy anyone or any feeling. I wrote this book, so I could leave the streets out of love for a girl. This is not going to happen, but I continue to publish it, because I feel like this story, my story, needs to be told. It is a story about a young man that decides to do that one thing that every man has had the idea of doing, at least once in his life. And some women a...