
2025 (10)

Resultaten (11)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Foundations of Geometry

2025 || Paperback || David Hilbert || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

These additions have been incorporated in the following translation. As a basis for the analysis of our intuition of space, Professor Hilbert commences his discussion by considering three systems of things which he calls points, straight lines, and planes, and sets up a system of axioms connecting these elements in their mutual relations. The purpose of his investigations is to discuss systematically the relations of these axioms to one another and also the bearing of each upon the logical de...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Plane Geometry

2025 || Paperback || G. A. Wentworth || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

It is intended to have the first sixteen pages of this book simply read in the class, with such running comment and discussion as may be useful to help the beginner catch the spirit of the subject-matter, and not leave him to the mere letter of dry definitions. In like manner, the definitions at the beginning of each Book should be read and discussed in the recitation room.

There is a decided advantage in having the de_nitions for each Book in a single group so that they can be included in on...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Philosophy of Mathematics

2025 || Paperback || Auguste Comte || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

What are the sources of mathematical subject matter?

• What is about the meaning of a mathematical object?

• What is the nature of a mathematical proposition?

• What is the relationship between logic and mathematics?

• What is the role of mathematics hermeneutic?

• Mathematics played a role in the investigation which type

• What is the subject of mathematical investigations?

• What is the human traits behind mathematics?

• What is mathematical beauty?

• What is the ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Way To Geometry

2025 || Paperback || Peter Ramus || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

How many things are there in holy Scripture which may not well be understood without some meane skill in Geometry? The Fabricke and bignesse of Noah's Arke: The Sciagraphy of the Temple set out by Ezechiel, Who may understand, but he that is skilfull in these Arts? I speake not of many and sundry words both in the New and Old Testaments, whose genuine and proper signification is merely Geometricall: And cannot well be conceived but of a Geometer.

To the Reader:

Friendly Reader, that which i...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Solid Geometry

"With Problems and Applications"

2025 || Paperback || H. E. Slaught || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

In re-writing the Solid Geometry the authors have consistently carried out the distinctive features described in the preface of the Plane Geometry. Mention is here made only of certain matters which are particularly emphasized in the Solid Geometry.

Owing to the greater maturity of the pupils it has been possible to make the logical structure of the Solid Geometry more prominent than in the Plane Geometry. The axioms are stated and applied at the precise points where they are to be used. Theo...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 17,09

Philosophy and Fun of Algebra

2025 || Paperback || Mary Everest Boole || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

Arithmetic means dealing logically with facts which we know (about questions of number).

“Logically”; that is to say, in accordance with the “Logos” or hidden wisdom, i.e. the laws of normal action of the human mind.

For instance, you are asked what will have to be paid for six pounds of sugar at 3d. a pound. You multiply the six by the three. That is not because of any property of sugar, or of the copper of which the pennies are made. You would have done the same if the thing bough...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Plane and Spherical Trigonometry

2025 || Paperback || William Anthony Granville || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

Special attention has been paid to the requirements of the College Entrance Board. The book contains more material than is required for some first courses in Trigonometry, but the matter has been so arranged that the teacher can make such omissions as will suit his particular needs.

The trigonometric functions are defined as ratios; first for acute angles in right triangles, and then these definitions are extended to angles in general by means of coordinates.

The student is first taught to...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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A First Book in Algebra

2024 || Paperback || Wallace C. Boyden || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

In preparing this book, the author had especially in mind classes in the upper grades of grammar schools, though the work will be found equally well adapted to the needs of any classes of beginners.

The ideas which have guided in the treatment of the subject are the following:

The study of algebra is a continuation of what the pupil has been doing for years, but it is expected that this new work will result in a knowledge of general truths about numbers, and an increased power of clear thinking.

All the differences between this work and that pursued in arithmetic may be traced to the introduction of two new elements, namely, negative numbers and the representation of numbers by letters. The solution of problems is one of the most valuable portions of the work, in that it serves to develop the thought-power of the pupil at the same time that it broadens his knowledge of numbers and their relations. Powers are developed and habits formed only by persistent, long-continued practi...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Pythagorean Triangle

2025 || Paperback || George Oliver || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

The three fixed lights, or windows, subsequently exchanged for our lesser luminaries, were explained one hundred and fifty years ago to signify "the three Persons, Father, Son, Holy Ghost; " and were used to find out the meridian, "when the sun leaves the south, and breaks in at the west window of the Lodge." While the "mossy bed," the ancient signs of disgust and recognition, as well as the primitive name of a Master Mason, are equally obscure at the present day; having been swept away, alon...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Spherical Trigonometry

"For the Use of Colleges and Schools"

2025 || Paperback || I. Todhunter || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

The present work is constructed on the same plan as my treatise on Plane Trigonometry, to which it is intended as a sequel; it contains all the propositions usually included under the head of Spherical Trigonometry, together with a large collection of examples for exercise. In the course of the work reference is made to preceding writers from whom assistance has been obtained; besides these writers I have consulted the treatises on Trigonometry by Lardner, Lefebure de Fourcy, and Snowball, an...