Resultaten (11)
Optimality Theory
1999 || Paperback || Rene Kager || Cambridge University Press
Optimality Theory's central idea is that surface forms of language reflect resolutions of conflicts between competing constraints. Exercises with chapters 1-7 and sections on further reading. For linguists with a knowledge of derivational Generative Phonology.
Drama Techniques / 3rd edition
A Resource Book of Communication Activities for Language Teachers
2005 || Paperback || Alan Maley e.a. || Cambridge University Press
The fully revised edition of this 'classic' helps teachers give their learners the tools they need to express themselves through a range of stimulating drama contexts. This completely revised edition of the classic title Drama Techniques provides: *150 ideas for interesting and productive fluency practice *a large selection of drama-based techniques which focus learners' attention on communicative tasks or activities *techniques suitable for all levels *clear instructions for the teacher *adv...
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language / 3rd edition
2018 || Paperback || David Crystal || Cambridge University Press
Now in its third edition, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language provides the most comprehensive coverage of the history, structure and worldwide use of English. Fully updated and expanded, with a fresh redesigned layout, and over sixty audio resources to bring language extracts to life, it covers all aspects of the English language including the history of English, with new pages on Shakespeare's vocabulary and pronunciation, updated statistics on global English use that now cove...
maandag verzonden
The Study of Language / 8th edition
2022 || Paperback || George Yule || Cambridge University Press
This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This eighth edition has been revised and updated throughout, with major changes in the chapters on Origins, Phonetics, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, First and Second Language Acquisition ...
Languages of the World / 4th edition
An Introduction
2023 || Paperback || Asya Pereltsvaig || Cambridge University Press
Are you curious to know what all languages have in common and how they differ? Do you want to find out how language can be used to trace different peoples and their past? Now in its fourth edition, this fascinating book guides beginners through the rich diversity of the world's languages. It presupposes no background in linguistics, and introduces key concepts with the help of problem sets, end-of-chapter exercises and an extensive bibliography. It is illustrated with detailed maps and charts...
Introducing Syntax
2017 || Paperback || Olaf Koeneman e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Syntax is the system of rules that we subconsciously follow when we build sentences. Whereas the grammar of English (or other languages) might look like a rather chaotic set of arbitrary patterns, linguistic science has revealed that these patterns can actually be understood as the result of a small number of grammatical principles. This lively introductory textbook is designed for undergraduate students in linguistics, English and modern languages with relatively little background in the sub...
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar / 2nd edition
2021 || Paperback || Rodney Huddleston e.a. || Cambridge University Press
A new edition of the ground-breaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar, now reorganised to align fully with the award-winning reference work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. This edition has been rewritten in an easy-to-read conversational style with a minimum of technical and theoretical terminology.
Register, Genre, and Style / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Douglas Biber e.a. || Cambridge University Press
An updated new edition that provides detailed descriptions of important text varieties in English along with methodological techniques to carry out analyses of them, including conversation, newspaper writing, academic prose and social media. Each chapter ends with activities for the reader to apply and practice the analyses they read about.
The Study of Language / 7th edition
2020 || Paperback || George Yule || Cambridge University Press
This bestselling textbook is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction for beginner students. Broad yet concise, this overview of key topics draws students in. The seventh edition has substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, forty new study questions and more than twenty new tasks.
Research Methods in Language Attitudes
2022 || Paperback || Ruth Kircher e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Attitudes towards spoken, signed, and written language are of significant interest to researchers in sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, communication studies, and social psychology. This is the first interdisciplinary guide to traditional and cutting-edge methods for the investigation of language attitudes. Written by experts in the field, it provides an introduction to attitude theory, helps readers choose an appropriate method, and guides through research planning and design, data colle...