Resultaten (13)
morgen verzonden
Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization
Liber amicorum prof. dr. J.A.E. Vervaele
2023 || Hardcover || Michiel Luchtman || Eleven international publishing
On 10 March 2023, John Vervaele retired as professor of Economic and European criminal law at Utrecht University. On the occasion of that farewell, this liber amicorum was presented to him. It comprises 85 contributions, written in a variety of languages by friends, colleagues and former colleagues from all over the world.
In keeping with the tradition of the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, the contributions are arranged around the following themes, which have also be...
morgen verzonden
Longer than Life
How the ICTY Strengthened the Rule of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia
2020 || Hardcover || Kei Hannah Brodersen || Eleven international publishing
The ICTY closed its doors in 2017. It had been set up in 1993 in order to prosecute crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. Although its mandate was limited to that of a criminal court, the Tribunal aimed at strengthening the rule of law in the countries under its jurisdiction.
This book examines in what respect the ICTY had an impact on the Bosnian and Serbian criminal justice systems. It examines five areas where the footprint of the international tribunal is most tangible: ...
Evidence and Transnational Punitive Enforcement Proceedings in the European Union
The gathering, sharing, and use of evidence by Member States’ administrative and judicial authorities during transnational punitive enforcement proceedings in the EU’s integrated internal market
2024 || Hardcover || A.J. de Vries || Eleven international publishing
In many fields, enforcement of EU policies is performed by the Member States. In principle, Member States are free to decide how and by which means they enforce such policies, albeit under the observance of EU legal principles and harmonised rules. While differences between Member States are inevitable, especially at the interface of criminal and administrative enforcement, they should not create legal obstacles to effective and rule of law-based enforcement in cross-border cases. In his diss...
morgen verzonden
Asset Freezing at the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council
A Legal Protection Perspective
2021 || Hardcover || Daley Birkett || Eleven international publishing
morgen verzonden
Juvenile Delinquency and Rehabilitation
Examining the Good Lives Model
2023 || Hardcover || Colinda Serie || Eleven international publishing
The Good Lives Model is an upcoming theoretical rehabilitation framework that is used increasingly in juvenile offender rehabilitation. This book provides in-depth knowledge about the Good Lives Model, its underlying theories, and how it differs from traditional rehabilitation methods. Furthermore it helps to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of criminal behavior in juveniles, and the challenges they face in reintegrating into society. It combines state-of-the art theoretic...
morgen verzonden
Mental Health and Crinlnal Justice / Santé mentale et justice pénale
International and Domestic Perspectives on Defendants and Detainees with Mental Illness / Perspectives internationales et nationales sur les prévenus et les détenus atteints de maladie mentale
2022 || Hardcover || P.H.P.H.M.C. van Kempen e.a. || Eleven international publishing
More than 10.74 million people globally are detained in penal institutions. An estimated 40% to 90% of these detainees suffer from mental illness. This makes the prevalence of mental disorder in detainees extremely high compared with the general population (18% to 29%). As a consequence, defendants and detainees with mental illness are not ‘yet another vulnerable group’ that should be ‘taken into account’ in developing laws and policies On the contrary, they are a dominant force and t...
morgen verzonden
Legitimate by Nature?
Examining the Legitimisation Activities Implemented by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
2022 || Hardcover || Claire M.H. Boost || Eleven international publishing
International crimes cause widespread victimisation and destruction, leading to social disruption that may take generations to repair. Over the years, the international community has established international courts to end the culture of impunity in relation to such crimes and to enforce a culture of accountability. A critical success factor for these courts is to ensure that they are perceived as legitimate in post-conflict societies.
Established after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi eth...
morgen verzonden
Blaming the Addicted Brain
Building bridges between criminal law and neuroscientific perspectives on addiction
2022 || Hardcover || Anna Elisabeth Goldberg || Eleven international publishing
Addiction is pervasively present within the criminal justice sector, resulting in legal professionals regularly dealing with addicted defendants. Yet addiction is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon, resulting in controversies regarding its conceptualisation, and thus difficulties in addressing addiction-related crime in court. Over the last decades, addiction has increasingly been conceptualised as a brain disease, which arguably could alter the law’s current approach towards the crimin...
Guilt, Shame and Juvenile Delinquency
A symbolic interactionist analysis
2023 || Hardcover || Arne De Boeck || Eleven international publishing
Emotions such as guilt and shame motivate us to keep our actions in line with normative expectations and are therefore essential in regulating our social and moral lives. Guilt, Shame and Juvenile Delinquency provides a compelling argument for the importance of considering guilt and shame as part of the etiological underpinnings of juvenile delinquency. It presents a comprehensive review of the criminological literature on the relationship between shame, guilt and offending, and it integrates...
EU youth justice
The personal scope of EU criminal law and the diversity of youth justice systems
2023 || Hardcover || Jantien Leenknecht || Eleven international publishing
Minors can be involved in judicial proceedings of a different Member State when they have – allegedly – committed an offence within the EU. Whereas the EU has developed instruments to facilitate cooperation between Member States in criminal matters, no specific instruments exist to deal with cross-border youth justice cases. This book assesses to what extent it is possible and feasible to develop EU cooperation in youth justice matters.
In EU youth justice: The personal scope of EU crimin...