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2023 || Hardcover || Annemarie van den Brink || Documentatiecentrum

Op een podium met rijm, ritme, passie en gebaren het publiek betoveren met jouw teksten. De songtekst van je favoriete artiest. Ontroerende, bizarre, grappige, spannende of verrassende gedichten over verliefd zijn, gamen, je niet begrepen voelen, je telefoon of je familie. Dat is allemaal poëzie.

Poëzie is spelen met taal. In dit boek lees je welk gereedschap dichters, rappers en spoken word-artiesten gebruiken om poëzie te maken. En je leest tips hoe je zelf poëzie kunt schrijven.

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Graduation Catalogue 2023

2023 || Paperback || Design Academy Eindhoven

The 2023 graduation catalogue documents both BA and MA students and is supplemented with a “Community Glossary” which helps readers to navigate the more than 200 projects. Each graduate was asked to share three words that describe their project, with the possibility to also use non-English words and expressions. It also works as an infographic, as the reader can see how many graduates chose the same or similar words. The catalogue is designed by the Rotterdam-based collective whywhynot, w...