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met 5% korting 134,90

The Digital Disconnect

2023 || Hardcover || Helsper || SAGE

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The Language of MA the primal mother (Heruitgave)

the evolution of the female image in 40,000 years of global Venus Art

2015 || Paperback || Annine E. G. van der Meer || Vrije Uitgevers, De

The Language of MA the primal MotherThe evolution of the female image in 40,000 years of global Venus ArtAnnine van der Meer, 592 p. 1300 ill. full color, ISBN 978-90-820313-8-6Den Haag, 2013; heruitgave Den Haag, 2015De Bijbel van Venuskunst; het boek voor vrouwelijke symbolen.1300... Venussen kleurrijk in beeld in een groot full color boek van 592 pagina's.1300... vrouwelijke topstukken uit vele culturen en musea gepresenteerd in één boek.1300... Venus-beauties, ieder voorzien van een num...

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met 5% korting 48,45

Media Regulation: Governance and the Interests of Citizens and Consumers

Governance and the Interests of Citizens and Consumers

2022 || Paperback || Peter Lunt e.a. || SAGE

Two of the world's foremost media studies academics explore media regulation and its impact on government, commerce and civil society.

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met 5% korting 131,10

Emotional AI

2023 || Hardcover || McStay || SAGE

Combining established theory with original analysis, this book provides a clear account of the social benefits and drawbacks of new media trends and technologies such as emoji, wearables and chatbots and calls for a more critical approach to the rollout of emotional AI in public and private spheres.

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met 5% korting 29,40

Prometheus and the Liver through Art and Medicine

2022 || Hardcover || Julia van Rosmalen e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Prometheus was punished by the supreme god Zeus for giving to mankind the Olympic fire with which they learned to think and feel. He was chained to a cliff in the Caucasus, where, to make matters worse, he was visited daily by an eagle who ate part of his liver. At night, however, his liver grew back. We now know that the liver can regenerate, but were the ancient Greeks aware of this quality?

The myth of Prometheus has been a source of inspiration for many visual artists over the centuries....

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met 5% korting 141,55

Visual Communication

2022 || Hardcover || Giorgia Aiello e.a. || SAGE

A theoretical and empirical toolkit for analysing and understanding media and mediated images - from branding and PR, to tweets and selfies. It explores a range of approaches to visual analysis, while also providing a hands-on guide to applying methods to your own work.

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 181,45

The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration

2023 || Hardcover || Smets || SAGE

The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 126,35

Journalism / Druk 4

2023 || Hardcover || Harcup || SAGE

The bestselling guide to both the theory and practice journalism. An essential resource for all students of journalism.

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Art du Nigéria Central - Central Nigeria Arts

2022 || Hardcover || Jan Strybol || Exhibitions International

In voorgaande studies wees Jan Strybol er op dat de beeldhouwkunst in Noord-Nigeria - in tegenstelling tot wat doorgaans aangenomen wordt - een grote bloei kende. Houtsculpturen trof men zowat overal aan, met uitzondering van een gedeelte van het Hoge Noorden. In deze studie onderzoekt de auteur vooreerst de sculpturale tradities van een aantal volkeren in Centraal-Nigeria, meer bepaald van het Jos-Plateau en van de vallei van de Midden-Benue tot aan het brongebied van de Taraba-rivier. Deze ...

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Lightning in the Age of Benjamin Franklin

Facts and Fictions in Science, Religion, and Art

2023 || Hardcover || Jan Wim Buisman || Leiden University Press

From time immemorial, thunder and lightning were seen as a wrathful Deity’s instruments of punishment. But then, in 1752, came Benjamin Franklin’s paradigm-shifting invention of the lightning rod, and the way we view God and nature was changed forever.

In Lightning in the Age of Benjamin Franklin. Facts and Fictions in Science, Religion, and Art Jan Wim Buisman shows how, in the second half of the eighteenth century, our scientific, religious, and artistic conceptions of one of nature’s...