› Richard Saxton (4)
› Rob Perrée (4)
› Eleonoor Jap Sam (3)
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› Arnoud Odding (2)
› Arnoud van Aalst (2)
› Bart Rutten (2)
› Diana Wind (2)
› Dominic van den Booger... (2)
› Jeroen Boomgaard (2)
› Josh Garrett-Davis (2)
› Kirsten Stoltz (2)
› Margo Handwerker (2)
› Mark Kremer (2)
› Marlene Dumas (2)
› Merel Bem (2)
› Rein Wolfs (2)
› Susan Kooi (2)
Resultaten (102)
morgen verzonden
In the Picture - Portraying the Artists
Portraying the Artists
2020 || Paperback || Nienke Bakker || Thoth, Uitgeverij
The role and status of the artist changed fundamentally in the ninetheenth century. Interest grew in the person behind the work and the artist's portrait became a popular genre. Artists were keen to show themselves as individuals as well as painters, while also acting as their own models.
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Vlassenbroek __________ Broekkant A Schelde Riverscape
Vlassenbroek - Broekkant
2015 || Paperback || Wapke Feenstra || Jap Sam Books
Het is onmogelijk om goed grip te krijgen op een landschap, toch leggen we het graag vast. Met een stijgende zeespiegel en de te verwachten regenoverlast, is in het Belgische Vlaanderen het springtij een groot gevaar. Overheid en ingenieurs trachten het water in toom te houden. De Schelde krijgt meer ruimte, dijken worden verlegd, het uitzicht verandert. Dat vraagt om beeldvorming. En iedereen tekent; de kunstenaar, de waterbouwkundige, de landschapsarchitect, ja zelfs de hengelaar maakt noti...
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Vis-à-vis The Lure of the Biographical
on the self-representation of modern artists
2017 || Paperback || Sandra Kisters || Valiz
The Lure of the Biographical onderzoekt de veronderstelde relatie tussen het werk en het persoonlijke imago van kunstenaars. Het boek onderzoekt hoe kunstenaars hun persoonlijke geschiedenis inzetten om bekendheid te verwerven, en hoe zij de manier waarop hun artistieke werk wordt geïnterpreteerd proberen te beïnvloeden. Tegelijkertijd onderzoekt het boek hoe andere partijen, zoals critici, biografen, fotografen, filmmakers, kunsthistorici en handelaren verbindingen leggen tussen het privé...
morgen verzonden
Move Along
2018 || Paperback || Ilke Gers || Onomatopee office and project-space
Softcover, duotone, 60 images
Instruction manual for open ended games, actions and interventions to untrain the body and recondition space.
All design and content by Ilke Gers
morgen verzonden
jaune, geel, gelb, yellow
Monochrome - Antonis Pittas
2022 || Paperback || Antonis Pittas e.a. || Jap Sam Books
The publication 'jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome' discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It brings together writers from a variety of fields who reflect on the legacy and failures of modernism from the perspective of their individual backgrounds and expertise.
Edited by Lisa Bakker and Eleonoor Jap Sam. With text contributions by (poet) Maria Barnas, (poet) I.K...
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What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond
Fragments in time, space and painting
2022 || Paperback || Arjan van Helmond || Jap Sam Books
The things we surround ourselves with in our daily lives are a shadow of who we are. The house we live in, the carpet under our feet, the color of the wallpaper, souvenirs and knick knacks in the closet contain residues of memories and sentiments.
'What speaks to us' is a publication about the oeuvre of visual artist Arjan van Helmond, which offers a broad overview of his work from the past 12 years. The book is a moment of looking back, reflection, collecting and connecting.
De dingen waarm...
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The artistic attitude
Allowing space for imagination and the ability to shape
2023 || Paperback || Anke Coumans || Jap Sam Books / Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Academie Minerva
‘In recent years, the practices of artists in non-artistic environments have set my mind in motion. Where before I could marvel at the visual outcomes of the artistic process and would want to understand how processes of creating meaning could be described, I am now particularly struck by the way in which artists are present, by their way of looking, how they make decisions, when and how they act, how they take responsibility. I have conversations with them and ask questions to better under...
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Is this the way the universe works? (555 Verses / 77 Verses)
2023 || Paperback || Gavin Wade e.a. || Set Margins' publications
This book contains performative ‘tanrenga’ poems, intended to be read out loud. A ‘tanrenga’ appears similar to a ‘tanka’, a form of five-lined Japanese poetry, but there are some differences. The poem is a conversation between what is essentially a three-line haiku and a two-line verse written by another writer in response, in this case British artist and curator Gavin Wade and poet Paul Conneally. The ‘tanrenga’ form was popular in Japan from the start of the Heian period un...
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Nature Interprets Man
Reading by Osmosis
2019 || Paperback || Sema Bekirovic e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English please see below
Reading by Osmosis. Nature Interprets Us toont kunstwerken die niet door mensenhanden zijn gemaakt: een overwoekerd hek, een onderwatervideo, een gehavende discobal. De makers? Klimop, een octopus en de tijd. Als we erkennen dat ook dieren en planten de wereld ‘lezen’, interpreteren en (op artistieke wijze) transformeren, is de traditionele tegenstelling tussen cultuur en natuur dan nog langer houdbaar?
Semâ Bekirovic herkent zich niet in het beeld van de kun...
morgen verzonden
Regie: Rembrandt (Engels)
Rembrandt and the World of Theatre
2024 || Paperback || Leonore van Sloten e.a. || Uitgeverij WBOOKS
Go to the theatre with Rembrandt and discover how painters and theatre-makers in seventeenth-century Amsterdam were inspired by each other.
During Rembrandt’s lifetime, theatre played an increasingly important role in the everyday lives of Amsterdam’s citizens. Rembrandt, too, saw theatre and was inspired by it. He used various directing techniques to create images that tell fascinating and convincing stories: from facial expressions and hand gestures to costumes and accessories. He also ...