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xAuteur: Slovenia) Slavoj (University of Ljubljana Zizek
xTaal: Engels
xUitgever: Taylor & Francis Group Limited
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Enjoy Your Symptom!
Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out
2024 || Paperback || Slovenia) Slavoj (University of Ljubljana Zizek || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
The title is just the first of many startling asides, observations and insights that fill this guide to Hollywood on the Lacanian psychoanalyst’s couch - a thrilling guide to cinema and psychoanalysis from the last giant of cultural theory in the twenty-first century.
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Organs without Bodies
On Deleuze and Consequences
2024 || Paperback || Slovenia) Slavoj (University of Ljubljana Zizek || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
This edition will include a new introduction by the author which updates the theories within the text and ensure its relevance in cultural theory today.