
Engels (3)
Paperback (3)
2021 (2)

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jaune, geel, gelb, yellow

Monochrome - Antonis Pittas

2022 || Paperback || Antonis Pittas e.a. || Jap Sam Books

The publication 'jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome' discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It brings together writers from a variety of fields who reflect on the legacy and failures of modernism from the perspective of their individual backgrounds and expertise.

Edited by Lisa Bakker and Eleonoor Jap Sam. With text contributions by (poet) Maria Barnas, (poet) I.K...

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The past inside the present

2018 || Paperback || Hans den hartog Jager e.a. || Onomatopee office and project-space

Art is artificial; it is a fake version of reality. The imagery of art represents, illustrates suggests and provides stillness- it sharpens our perspectives and deepens the experience of reality.

Esther Tielemans's work aligns opposites, like the two- and three-dimensional, the abstract and figurative, reality and artificiality. It forms an environment in which the experience of the new precedes the habitual of the familiar.

The authors of this book, Maria Barnas and Hans den Hartog Jager, de...

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On the Necessity of Gardening

An ABC of Art, Botany and Cultivation

2021 || Paperback || Laurie Cluitmans e.a. || Valiz — Centraal Museum Utrecht

On the Necessity of Gardening tells the story of the garden as a rich source of inspiration. Over the centuries, artists, writers, poets and thinkers have each described, depicted and designed the garden in different ways. In medieval art, the garden was a reflection of paradise, a place of harmony and fertility, shielded from worldly problems. In the eighteenth century this image tilted: the garden became a symbol of worldly power and politics. The Anthropocene, the era in which man complete...

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2023 || Hardcover || Maria Barnas || Hannibal Books

Fotografe Robin de Puy herdenkt de Watersnoodramp van 1953

In 1953 voltrok zich in grote delen van Nederland een enorme natuurramp, veroorzaakt door een storm bij springtij. Fotografe Robin de Puy (°1986) portretteert zeventig jaar later een aantal bewoners van het eiland Goeree-Overflakkee, dat zwaar getroffen werd. Velen van hen hebben de Watersnoodramp zelf meegemaakt, anderen groeiden op in de schaduw van wat hun (groot)ouders hebben beleefd.

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