Resultaten (3)
Marketing Research / 6th Edition
Applied Insight
2020 || Paperback || Dan Nunan e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Marketing Research by Malhotra, Nunan and Birks is the leading marketing research text, focused on the key challenges facing marketing research in a European context.This comprehensive, authoritative and applied text offers you a clear explanation and discussion of concepts, a wealth of European and international case material showing how researchers apply concepts and techniques and integrates with online resources for students and an instructors' manual including key discussion points. It s...
Marketing Research (e-book)
Applied Insight, 6th Edition
2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Dan Nunan e.a. || Pearson
Marketing Research by Malhotra, Nunan and Birks is the leading marketing research text, focused on the key challenges facing marketing research in a European context.This comprehensive, authoritative and applied text offers you a clear explanation and discussion of concepts, a wealth of European and international case material showing how researchers apply concepts and techniques and integrates with online resources for students and an instructors' manual including key discussion points. I...
Essentials of Marketing Research
2014 || Paperback || Naresh K. Malhotra e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Marketing Research at two- and four-year colleges and universitiesAn engaging, do-it-yourself approach to marketing researchEssentials of Marketing Research: A Hands-On Orientation presents a concise overview of marketing research via a do-it-yourself approach that engages students. Building on the foundation of his successful previous titles-Basic Marketing Research: Integration of Social Media and Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation-author Naresh Malhotra covers concep...