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Europa in 12 lessen
|| Pascal Fontaine || Europese Unie
Wat is het nut van de Europese Unie? Waarom en hoe werd de EU opgericht? Hoe werkt de EU? Welke voordelen heeft zij haar burgers al gebracht en met welke uitdagingen wordt de EU vandaag geconfronteerd?
Kan de EU in een geglobaliseerde wereld succesvol concurreren met andere grote economieën en haar sociale normen in stand houden? Hoe moet worden omgegaan met immigratie? Wat zal de komende jaren de rol van de EU in de wereld zijn? Waar liggen de grenzen van de EU? En hoe ziet de toekomst van ...
Europe in 12 lessons
|| Pascal Fontaine || Europese Unie
What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today?
In a globalised world, can the EU compete successfully with other major economies while maintaining its social standards? How can immigration be managed? What will Europe’s role be on the world stage in the years ahead? Where will the EU’s boundaries be drawn? And what future is there for the euro?
These are just some of th...
Europa in 12 lessen
|| Pascal Fontaine || Europese Unie
Wat is het nut van de Europese Unie (EU)? Waarom en hoe werd de EU opgericht? Hoe werkt de EU? Welke voordelen heeft zij haar burgers al gebracht en met welke uitdagingen wordt de EU vandaag geconfronteerd?
Kan de EU in een geglobaliseerde wereld succesvol concurreren met andere grote economieën en haar sociale normen in stand houden? Hoe moet worden omgegaan met immigratie? Wat zal
de komende jaren de rol van de EU in de wereld zijn? Waar liggen de grenzen van de EU? En hoe ziet de toekoms...
Europe in 12 lessons
|| Pascal Fontaine || Europese Unie
What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up?
How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens,
and what new challenges does it face today?
In a globalised world, can the EU compete successfully with other
major economies while maintaining its social standards? How
can immigration be managed? What will Europe’s role be on the
world stage in the years ahead? Where will the EU’s boundaries
be drawn? And what future is there for the euro?
These are just some...
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021
Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
2021 || Europese Unie
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 is the sixth edition in a series of biennial reports that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship. It shows that there are substantial untapped opportunities for entrepreneurship in populations such as women, youth, the unemployed, a...