Studieboeken (5)
maandag verzonden
Edito niveau B1 - Livre
2018 || Paperback || M. Dufour || Groupe Hatier International
- Une deuxieme édition completement actualisée avec 12 thématiques
- Une démarche guidée de la grammaire et de la phonétique
- Des pages « Détente » avec des jeux et des quiz
- Des ateliers reposant sur l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies
- Des encarts au fil des unités : « Drôle d'expression ! » : proverbes et expressions idiomatiques « Au fait ! » : un clin d'oeil linguistique ou culturel - 90 % de documents authentiques
- Des activités complémentai...
Developments in Russian Politics / 9th Edition
2018 || Paperback || Richard Sakwa e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
The 9th iteration of this go-to textbook on contemporary Russian politics offers comprehensive and critical discussion of the country's most recent developments, providing substantive coverage of the key areas in domestic and foreign Russian politics. Ranging from established topics such as executive leadership, parties and elections, to newer issues of national identity, protest, and Russia and Greater Eurasia, it reflects the changing nature of Russian politics in a globalising world define...
The Shortest History of Europe
2018 || Paperback || John Hirst || Old Street Publishing
In this concise, lucid and entertaining book, with more than forty maps and illustrations, acclaimed historian John Hirst explores the qualities that have made Europe a world-changing civilisation.
Beginning with a rapid historical overview from the ancient Greeks to the present day (the ‘shortest history’ itself), Hirst goes on to examine what makes Europe unique: its political evolution; the shaping influence of its linguistic boundaries; the crucial role played by power struggles betwe...
Schritte international Neu 5. Kursbuch+Arbeitsbuch+CD zum Arbeitsbuch
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
2018 || Mixed Media Product || Silke Hilpert e.a. || Hueber Verlag
Zielniveau B1/1
- alle Lektionen folgen einem klaren Aufbau für hohe Lerntransparenz
- neue Foto-Hörgeschichten als Einstieg in jede Lektion
- interessante Texte und vielfältige Landeskunde
- induktive Grammatik fördert Bewusstmachung und Verständnis
- Vorbereitung auf den Berufsalltag durch verstärkten Berufsbezug
- Stärkung der Lernerautonomie durch eine Doppelseite zu Grammatik und Redemitteln mit Übungen und Lernhilfen am Ende jeder Lektion
- Transparenz durch Lernzie...
International Organizations Perspectives on Global Governance
Perspectives on Global Governance
2018 || Paperback || Kelly-Kate S. Pease || Taylor & Francis
Drawing on mainstream and critical theoretical approaches, International Organizations offers a comprehensive examination of international organizations' political and structural role in world politics. This text details the types and activities of international organizations and provides students with the conceptual tools needed to evaluate their effectiveness. Surveying key issue areas from international and human security to trade and the environment, International Organizations looks at p...