Studieboeken (3)
maandag verzonden
Validating Product Ideas
Through Lean User Research
2021 || Paperback || Tomer Sharon || Rosenfeld
ant to know what your users are thinking? If you’re a product manager or developer, this book will help you learn the techniques for finding the answers to your most burning questions about your customers. With step-by-step guidance, Validating Product Ideas shows you how to tackle the research to build the best possible product.
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Draaiboek gedragsverandering / Druk 7
de psychologie van beinvloeding begrijpen en gebruiken
2017 || Paperback || Sander Hermsen e.a. || Business Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Er wordt van alles uit de kast gehaald om het gedrag van mensen te veranderen: humor, celebrities, nudging en veel (te veel) informatie. Gedragsverandering is een actueel onderwerp: jongeren moeten minder drinken, autorijders voorzichtiger rijden, medewerkers stressvrijer werken. Bij de overheid, maar ook in het bedrijfsleven worden (reclame)campagnes, acties, (digitale) producten en online toepassingen ontworpen. Met wisselend succes.
Wetenschappers Sander Hermsen en Reint Jan Renes laten in...
dinsdag verzonden
Quantifying the User Experience
2016 || Paperback || Jeff Sauro || Elsevier
Quantifying the User Experience: Practical Statistics for User Research, Second Edition, provides practitioners and researchers with the information they need to confidently quantify, qualify, and justify their data. The book presents a practical guide on how to use statistics to solve common quantitative problems that arise in user research. It addresses questions users face every day, including, Is the current product more usable than our competition? Can we be sure at least 70% of users ca...