Studieboeken (8)
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Protocollaire zorg Chronische Nierschade (CNS)
2019 || Hardcover || S.T. Houweling e.a. || Langerhans School of Diabetes
Mensen met chronische nierschade krijgen terecht steeds meer aandacht in de eerste lijn. De NHG-Standaard Chronische Nierschade biedt huisartsen en praktijkondersteuners houvast, maar is vaak niet direct en makkelijk te implementeren in de huisartsenpraktijk. Net zoals in ons boek Protocollaire Diabeteszorg hebben wij de NHG-Standaard (dit keer Chronische Nierschade) in dit boek uitgewerkt in heldere denkstappen en implementeerbare onderdelen.
Naast dit boek verzorgt DIHAG-Langerhans ook lan...
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Prometheus anatomische atlas 2 / Druk 4
Inwendige organen
2019 || Hardcover || Michael Schünke e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
PROMETHEUS deel 2 bevat de ontwikkeling en bouw van de inwendige organen. Anatomie is een vak dat vanaf het eerste moment op de ‘snijzaal’ spannend is. Het is een vak dat zich kenmerkt door een grote hoeveelheid feitenkennis. Deze enorme berg aan feiten vormt de basis van de geneeskunde en wordt via PROMETHEUS op een aantrekkelijke en aanschouwelijke manier overgebracht.PROMETHEUS is opgebouwd uit leereenheden waarbinnen de kennis is verdeeld in duidelijke porties. Bovendien wordt er...
Diagnostic Imaging: Breast / 3th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Wendie A. Berg e.a. || Elsevier
Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Breast, third edition, is an invaluable resource not only for radiologists, but for all health care professionals involved in the management of breast disease. From screening and diagnostic mammography and tomosynthesis, ultrasound, and MR to contrast-enhanced mammography and molecular imaging, Drs. Wendie Berg and Jessica Leung, along with their expert author team, provide carefully updated information in a concise...
Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat / 5th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Amy C. Valenciano e.a. || Elsevier
Long-trusted in the field, Cowell & Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition is the complete resource for helping you learn the necessary skills to diagnosis and treat dogs and cats. This essential clinical reference includes detailed illustrations to help you quickly and accurately build a treatment plan for hundreds of medical diagnoses. Microscopic evaluation techniques and interpretation guidelines for organ tissue, blood, and other body fluid specimens p...
Manual of Dietetic Practice /6th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Joan Gandy || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The authoritative guide for dietetic students and both new and experienced dietitians - endorsed by the British Dietetic Association Now in its sixth edition, the bestselling Manual of Dietetic Practice has been thoroughly revised and updated to include the most recent developments and research on the topic. Published on behalf of the British Dietetic Association, this comprehensive resource covers the entire dietetics curriculum, and is an ideal reference text for healthcare professionals to...
Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology / 8th edition
A Signs and Symptoms Approach
2019 || Hardcover || J. Eric Piana-Garza e.a. || Elsevier
Taking a practical, easy-to-reference signs and symptoms approach, Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology, 8th Edition, provides a solid foundation in the diagnosis and management of primary neurologic disorders of childhood while bringing you fully up to date with recent developments in the field. It offers step-by-step, authoritative guidance that considers each presenting symptom in terms of differential diagnosis and treatment, reflecting real-life patient evaluation and management. Perf...
Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology / 6th edition
2019 || Hardcover || David M. Vail e.a. || Elsevier
Considered the definitive reference on canine and feline oncology, Withrow & MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition focuses on the most effective, cutting-edge techniques. This comprehensive textbook gives you a complete understanding of cancer in dogs and cats - what it is, how to diagnose it, and how to treat many of the most common cancers encountered in clinical practice today. The thoroughly updated sixth edition includes information on the complications of cancer, pain ma...
Critical Care Medicine / 5th edition
Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult
2019 || Hardcover || Joseph E. Parrillo e.a. || Elsevier
Now completely revised to bring you up to date with the latest advances in the field, Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult, 5th Edition, delivers expert, practical guidance on virtually any clinical scenario you may encounter in the ICU. Designed for intensivists, critical care and pulmonology residents, fellows, practicing physicians, and nurse practitioners, this highly regarded text is clinically focused and easy to reference. Led by Drs.
Joseph Parri...