Studieboeken (80)
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Introducing Intercultural Communication / 4th edition
Global Cultures and Contexts
2023 || Paperback || Shuang Liu e.a. || SAGE
Taking a global and critical perspective, this textbook presents the concepts, theories and applications from the field of intercultural communication in a lively and easy-to-follow style. Covering all the essential topics, from immigration and intercultural conflict, to intercultural health communication and communication in the workplace, this cutting-edge 4th edition: Explains the key theories and concepts you need to know. Brings theory to life with a range of global case studies.
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Doing a Systematic Review
A Student's Guide
2023 || Paperback || M. Gemma Cherry e.a. || SAGE
Your all-in-one guide to completing a systematic review, including advice on working with all kinds of data and supported by a wealth of real-life examples.Â
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Developing Your Communication Skills in Social Work
2023 || Paperback || Paula Beesley e.a. || SAGE
This book looks at the essential communication skills required to become an effective social worker.Â
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Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age / 2nd edition
2023 || Paperback || Tracy L. Tuten || SAGE
From understanding markets, consumers and value to explaining the marketing mix and illustrating the roles of analytics, brand and customer experience today, this award-winning textbook introduces you to the essential concepts and tools for marketing in a digital age.
Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach
2023 || Paperback || White || SAGE
Covering the essential aspects of critical care nursing, students are asked to consider the biopsychosocial triggers of critical illness, and are walked through a number of different patient scenarios.
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Researching Hospitality and Tourism / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Brotherton || SAGE
A long awaited new edition of this popular student guide to doing research in the increasingly popular fields of tourism and hospitality (with pick up in lesiure and events management, too). A hands on, practical book adopted on courses worldwide.
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Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Enquiry / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Cleaver || SAGE
This text explores best practice approaches to undertaking enquiry into learning and teaching in higher education for staff from all academic disciplines.
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Tourism Management / Druk 3
2023 || Paperback || Inkson || SAGE
This introductory text provides readers with a robust understanding of tourism and its industries, including how destinations are developed, marketed and managed, and how tourism impacts communities, environments and economies.
Social Media Marketing / 5th edition
2023 || Paperback || Tracy L. Tuten || SAGE
The original, bestselling, and award-winning textbook on social media marketing, featuring all the essential topics, concepts, research and practical application for study and career success.
Research Design
Why Thinking About Design Matters
2023 || Paperback || Julianne Cheek e.a. || SAGE
"Designing research is about making decisions to transform an idea into a plan that can provide answers to a research problem or question. Thinking about, and then making these decisions results in the research design – the plan that will be followed to conduct the research and answer the question. This text engages in a dialogue with the reader, providing a serious but accessible introduction to research design, for use as a guide when designing your own research or when reading the resear...