Studieboeken (6)
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La transmission du savoir grec en Occident
guillaume de Moerbeke, le Laur. Plut. 87.25 (Thémistius, in De an.) et la bibliothèque de Boniface VIII
2019 || Paperback || Fabio Acerbi e.a. || Leuven University Press
Les relations entre la bibliothèque papale à la fin du XIIIe siècle et le célèbre traducteur Guillaume de Moerbeke constituent l’épisode central de la transmission du savoir grec en Occident. Ce livre présente une mise au point définitive de la question, en prenant comme cas d’étude une traduction de Moerbeke dont le modèle grec, actuellement conservé à Florence, faisait partie de la bibliothèque de pape Boniface VIII.
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Vrouwen in de middeleeuwen
Vrouwen in de middeleeuwse stad
2021 || Paperback || Jelle Haemers e.a. || Uitgeverij Vrijdag
De middeleeuwen: een donkere periode waarin geweld regeert en mannen de samenleving domineren. Vrouwen komen er amper aan te pas, zo luidt het cliché. Dit boek brengt een ander verhaal. ‘Wijven’, het middeleeuwse woord voor vrouwen, zijn het hoofdpersonage. In de Lage Landen hadden vrouwen veel rechten, die ze gebruikten om handel te drijven, hun mening te verkondigen en hun wil door te drukken.
'Wijvenwereld' hangt een verrassend beeld op van de late middeleeuwen, de periode tussen 1250...
From Memory to Written Record / 3rd edition
England 1066 - 1307
2012 || Paperback || Michael T. Clanchy || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This seminal work of scholarship, which traces the development of literacy in medieval England, is now fully updated in a third edition. This book serves as an introduction to medieval books and documents for graduate students throughout the world. Features a completely re-written first chapter, 'Memories and Myths of the Norman Conquest', and a new postscript by the author reflecting on the reception to the original publication and discussing recent scholarship on medieval literacy. Includes...
A History of the Islamic World, 600-1800
Empire, Dynastic Formations, and Heterogeneities in Pre-Modern Islamic West-Asia
2020 || Paperback || Jo Van Steenbergen || Taylor & Francis
A History of the Islamic World, 600-1800 supplies a fresh and unique survey of the formation of the Islamic world and the key developments that characterize this broad region's history from late antiquity up to the beginning of the modern era. Containing two chronological parts and fourteen chapters, this impressive overview explains how different tides in Islamic history washed ashore diverse sets of leadership groups, multiple practices of power and authority, and dynamic imperial and dynas...
Europe / 4th edition
A Cultural History
2020 || Paperback || Peter Rietbergen || Taylor & Francis
Fully revised, updated and extended to include the momentous developments of 2020, this fourth edition of Peter Rietbergen's highly acclaimed Europe: A Cultural History is a major and original contribution to the study of Europe. The book examines the structures of culture in this part of Eurasia from the beginnings of human settlement on to the genesis of agricultural society, of greater polities, of urban systems, and the slow transitions that resulted in a (post-)industrial society and the...
The Beast Within / 3rd edition
Animals in the Middle Ages
2022 || Paperback || Joyce E. Salisbury || Taylor & Francis
The third edition of The Beast Within has been updated throughout to include current scholarship, new discussion of definitions, and fresh perspectives on critical animal theory that places animals, rather than humans, at the center of the discourse. Organized thematically, Salisbury incorporates many new sections and subsections to reveal the multifaceted history of the relationship between humans and animals: domestication, animal diseases and pandemics, dogfights, cockfights, Islamic dieta...