From snob to monk / druk 1

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ISBN: 9789492110022
Uitgever: Mastix Press
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Hans Kloosterman
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2014
NUR: Oosterse religies waaronder Boeddhisme en Hindoeïsme

Inspiring people to search for their own life path. With

this purpose in mind, Hans Kloosterman decided to write

From snob to Monk. He describes his career in the

corporate world, his entrepreneurship in the area recruitment,

his luxurious life style, several relationships and the

great turnaround. A car accident pointed him towards

his real life path: Buddhism and detachment.

Hans Kloosterman is a Tibetan Buddhist and studies at

the Tibetan Kagyu Vasjrayana Institute in the Belgian

town of Huy, which has a small monastic community with

a few lamas', monks and nuns. He lived as a monk in

training for six years and has been studying Buddhism for

nine years. He teaches hatha yoga, chi kong and meditation.

During his mindfulness trainings he teaches people

to be completely present in the current moment with

everything they do and to become aware on three levels:

physical, emotional and mental. His mission in live is:

Creating Awareness.