Successor “How to Become a Mistress”

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ISBN: 9789465200835
Uitgever: Brave New Books
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Mistress Moriah
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 289
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2025
NUR: Seksualiteit

After the launch of “How to Become a Mistress,” dozens of topics immediately flew into my head that had not yet been covered in this book. Capturing the versatility of BDSM in one book just proved impossible. And I fear that even two books is going to be too little. “More BDSM” is the logical sequel to ”How to Become a Mistress.” In this book I go even deeper into the versatility of BDSM. All kinds of game forms and materials are discussed that have not been discussed before.

BDSM is difficult to capture in a handful of words. That will always be a challenge, even though it is my passion and lifestyle. There is still so much unnecessary taboo surrounding this subject and so many misunderstandings. I like to introduce the world to the loving intensity of BDSM. A side that - to my mind - gets far too little attention. It is so much more than flapping a whip in a sexy outfit. It's about merging, finding each other in the deeper layers of our being and accepting yourself and each other as a whole.