The Netherlands in a Nutshell

Revised Edition

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
Met 5% studentenkorting
voor 28,45 i
ISBN: 9789463727655
Uitgever: AUP Algemeen
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Commissie Herijking Canon van Nederland
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 132
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsjaar: 2020
Vervanger van: 9789089640390
NUR: Vaderlandse geschiedenis

This book presents a global overview of the key events and themes in Dutch history and culture: a choice of fifty key topics, or 'windows' into the country. Fifty important people, inventions and events which together show how the Netherlands has developed into the country that it is now. At the back of the book, there is an overview of the fifty 'windows', grouped in seven themes. This is an excellent introduction for anyone who would like to make an acquaintance with this low country by the sea.