Control Shift

European ­Industrial Heritage ­reuse in ­review / Volume 2

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789463662932
Uitgever: TU Delft Open
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Theodora Chatzi Rodopoulou
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 314
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2020
NUR: Bouwkunst, architectuur

This dissertation focuses on Industrial Heritage Reuse practice in Europe, with special emphasis on the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain and Greece. This vastly complex yet fascinating topic has not been studied holistically under the circumstances of the contemporary era. In the 21st century, Industrial Heritage Reuse is required to be more responsive, more sustainable, more inclusive and more value-driven than before. An enhanced approach for the transformation of industrial relics is therefore urgently needed.

The aim of this dissertation is to explore the potential of enhancement of the Industrial Heritage Reuse by identifying and analysing its influencing Aspects under the light of the contemporary theoretical conservation concepts, the current demands of the field of practice and the rising challenges of the 21st century context. Drawing upon both theory and practice on an international level, this research gives a holistic and multileveled view on the subject under investigation. Industrial Heritage Reuse and its stakeholders are investigated in the setting of the four selected countries through the detailed analysis of 20 case studies of best practice.

Volume 1 introduces the research problem and explains the thesis’ rationale; it presents the research methodology, the academic analysis and it finally offers the research products. Volume 2 presents the analysis and evaluation of the 20 selected case studies, varying from Ironbridge in Shropshire, to the Technological and Cultural Park of Lavrion and from Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam to the 22@ district of Barcelona.