Agile: The times they are a-changin

toolbox for transformation to agile working

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9789463455510
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Addo De Visser
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 163
Taal: Engels
NUR: Management algemeen

“In ‘Agile, the times they are a-changin’‘, I see a clear ‘why‘

and a practical approach to and tools for the tilt that

organizations have to make in order to survive.‘

– Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan Rotmans, Professor of Sustainability &

Transitions, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

“Addo gives very concrete tips on how to deal with it as an

organization, how to implement it and what to pay

attention to.“

– Gunther Verheyen, Scrum Caretaker, Ullizee-Inc.

Increasing globalization, competition and the associated

‘pressure to respond quickly to changes’ require a different way

of working. Changes follow faster and faster. Organizations

need to quickly transform into agile working if they want to

continue to participate in the market. In this book, Addo de

Visser argues that agile working is a must and not a hype.

Based on models, in combination with his experience, he

shows how, as an organization, you can transform into agile

working and how agile work can be made profitable.