Book of Requiems, 1550-1560

From the Earliest Ages to the Present Period


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ISBN: 9789462703711
Uitgever: Leuven University Press
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: David J. Burn Antonio Chemotti
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 270
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2023
NUR: Muziekgeschiedenis

Few western musical repertories speak more to the imagination than the Requiem mass for the dead. Yet, surprisingly, despite the significance of Requiem settings for our musical culture, the literature concerning them is sparse. The Book of Requiems presents essays on the most important works in this tradition, from the origins of the genre up to the present day. Each chapter is devoted to a specific Requiem, and offers both historical information and a detailed work-discussion. Conceived as a multi-volume essay collection by leading experts, the Book of Requiems is an authoritative reference publication intended as a first port of call for musicologists, music theorists, and performers both professional and student.