Solving Complex Problems / Druk 2

professional group decision-making support in highly complex situations

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ISBN: 9789462365049
Uitgever: Eleven international publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Alexander de Haan Pauline de Heer
Druk: 2
Pagina's: 180
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2015
NUR: Management algemeen Bedrijfskunde algemeen

We live in an ever-changing world, where people with different interests and goals have to deal with an unpredictable future. In this world, everybody is solving problems every day. But especially when problems become highly complex, how do you know you are solving the problem you or your client are actually experiencing? How to include the different insights and interests of those involved? What needs to be done to reach a desired future, rather than a future you fear or dislike? People are best motivated to act upon complex problems when the essence of the problem is captured in a simple way. This book presents you with the basic techniques to do so. Applying these techniques will help you and your client to understand and oversee the problem and, eventually, to make decisions and act in situations in which it is not at all obvious what to do. The techniques in Solving Complex Problems cover:

- Rational problem analysis

- Creative idea generation

- Dealing with uncertainty

- Comparing different possible solutions

If you love working on the complex problems this world brings, then read this book and learn new and practical ways of dealing with them.