Manual to Understand Flamenco

The essence of Flamenco is his music

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9789403732398
Uitgever: Editor Fernando Barros
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Fernando Barros Lirola
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 223
Verschijningsjaar: 2024
NUR: Toneel en theaterdans

Based on neuroscience and innovative pedagogy, "Manual to Understand Flamenco" is developed with the objective of serving as a bridge between readers and creating an empathetic, pleasurable and profound learning of this musical genre.

The book is composed of nine chapters, accompanied by practical exercises and images that will turn the reader into a learner and a flamenco enthusiast, providing the theoretical basis and practical elements for an understanding that combines reason and emotion.

The musical elements from which flamenco begins are all the musical heritage that existed in Spain in the nineteenth century.

It is also a culture because its creators were concerned that this new artistic manifestation was impregnated with all the human aspirations that were emerging in the society of romanticism and equality.

Flamenco is a way of expressing human feelings and passions. Its technique is complex, and the interpretation varies according to the creativity of the artist who executes it, if it is a man, he will dance it with great strength, resorting mainly to the feet; and if it is a woman, she will execute it with more sensual movements.

Flamenco is joy , and happiness