Live with PASSION!

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789402186062
Uitgever: Brave New Books
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Humphrey Isselt
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 94
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2019
NUR: Geneeskunde algemeen

The book 'Live with Passion!', written by integral coach and management consultant Humphrey Isselt, is dedicated to providing insight with regard to what is actually meant by passion. Not from an academic principle or scientific framework, nor a 'dictionary definition', but based on the essence of passion: the balance between feeling and reason.

Passion is a powerful drive, it motivates and inspires. Passion is an expression of feeling and therefore a reactive process. It is in fact a reaction to a situation that stimulates the brain, consciously or unconsciously, to release 'extra' energy for performing an action. Effectively dealing with this released energy makes passion useful in and for your life. How you integrate 'PASSION' in a practical and efficient way into your relationship, your work, your leisure time in short, becomes clear when you read the book "Live with Passion!". The book contains illuminating examples and illustrations in color to support the text.