EXIN Secure Programming Foundation - Workbook

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ISBN: 9789401802505
Uitgever: Van Haren Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Tim Hemel Guido Witmond
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2018
NUR: Informatica & management

Cybercrime, data leaks and information security get more attention than ever in the news. Governments and companies dedicate more and more resources to these areas. However, most of that attention appears to be focused on reactive measures (“How do we catch the cybercriminals?”) instead of on preventive measures (“How do we make our systems secure?”). Although it is hard to measure, research reports indicate that building security in is worth the investment. Key in the software building process is education. If programmers do not understand the security of the software they are building, any additional investment in the process is useless.

The EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam tests the knowledge of the candidate on the basic principles of secure programming. The subjects of this module are Authentication and Session Management; Handling User Input; Authorization; Configuration, Error Handling and Logging; Cryptography; and Secure Software Engineering.