IT4IT™ Foundation – Study Guide

preparing for the IT4IT part 1 examination


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ISBN: 9789401800440
Uitgever: Van Haren Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Andrew Josey Michelle Supper
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2016
NUR: Systeemanalyse en -theorie Exacte vakken en informatica HOGER ONDERWIJS

This title is a Study Guide for the IT4IT Foundation Certification examination. It gives an overview of every learning objective for the IT4IT Foundation certification syllabus and in-depth coverage on preparing and taking the IT4IT Part 1 Examination. It is specifically designed to help individuals to prepare for certification.

This Study Guide is excellent material for:

* Individuals who require a basic understanding of the IT4IT Reference Architecture

* IT Professionals/Practitioners who are responsible for delivering services in a way that is flexible, traceable, and cost-effective

* IT Professionals who want to achieve a higher level certification in the IT4IT Certification Program (expected in 2017) in a stepwise approach

A prior knowledge of IT service management is advantageous but not required. While reading this Study Guide, the reader should also refer to the IT4IT documentation available at