Extradition law and practice

Concept and famous cases

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789089522078
Uitgever: Europa Law Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Stefano Maffei
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 300
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2019
NUR: Strafrecht en procesrecht

The subject of "international extradition" is not independently taught in legal education programs around the world, and still extradition remains today the most significant form of mutual assistance in criminal matters between States. This book provides a concise and clear description of extradition law and procedure based on a number of key principles and concepts (double criminality, rule of speciality, assurances) drawn from domestic extradition statutes, bilateral and multilateral treaties. It then outlines 35 well-known extradition cases, in which suspects, accused and convicted persons fought the extradition requests by invoking certain grounds for refusal of surrender (human rights violations, unfairness of trial in the requesting country, excessive punishment, etc). For each of these cases, an outline of the facts, the outcome of the case and the legal arguments of the parties is provided. The book is ideal for legal practitioners who wish to familiarise with the law and practice of extradition litigation around the world and to learn about the best available strategies to effectively assist clients in extradition cases.About the authorStefano Maffei is a lecturer in Criminal procedure at the University of Parma (Italy). A former Fulbright Scholar at Temple Law School (Philadelphia, USA), Dr. Maffei holds a doctorate from Oxford University and authored numerous publications in the area of comparative procedure and evidence. Dr Maffei has served on several occasions as an expert witness in international extradition cases.