Europeanisation of Public Law / Druk 2

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
Met 5% studentenkorting
voor 57,48 i
ISBN: 9789089521279
Uitgever: Europa Law Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: J.H. Jans S. Prechal R.J.G.M. Widdershoven
Druk: 2
Pagina's: 566
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2015
Vervanger van: 9789076871585
NUR: Internationaal (publiek)recht

Europeanisation of Public Law? (second edition) is a study about the relation between European and national public law. Familiar EU doctrines on ?procedural autonomy?, ?direct effect?, ?consistent interpretation?, ?ex officio application of European law? and ?state liability? are used as a starting point for examining the effects of these doctrines in the various Member States. Consideration is also given to important questions concerning the enforcement of European law in the national legal order, the organisation of the judiciary and the influence of European law on fundament principles of (public) law such as legal certainty, non-discrimination and proportionality.The book has in particular been written for advanced bachelors and masters courses on the relation between national and EU law. Because of the many examples of national case law, the book should be most welcome to any practitioner dealing with European law in a national context.