Fundamentals of Contract and Commercial Management

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ISBN: 9789087537128
Uitgever: Van Haren Publishing
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Jane Chittenden
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
NUR: Management algemeen Economie, recht en bedrijfskunde HOGER ONDERWIJS

This ground-breaking title from the world's leading authority on contemporary contracting best practices, the IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) delivers a lively and practical complete insight into the contracting process which is useful in both business and personal life.

Contracts are the language of business, and this book gives readers the essentials that can make a difference to any deal, no matter how big or small. Designed for the non-contract business professional, this book takes project managers and other professionals through the basic process and gives them a road map to improved results, increased value, and successful outcomes

In this book you'll find sensible guidance and approaches to ensure business success. Case studies showing you what can go wrong - and what can go right -- bring theory into the real world. Checklists give confidence and enable you to be certain that you have asked and answered the right questions as you go through any deal. This real-world approach demonstrates the value of effective contracting. This is not dry, academic prose. It is compelling and dynamic advice and tools to manage business relationships for both buyers and sellers.