Prophets, Poets & Scholars

Exploring the Collections of the Middle Eastern Library at Leiden University

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ISBN: 9789087284077
Uitgever: Leiden University Press
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Arnoud Vrolijk Karin Schepers André Bouwman Tijmen Baarda
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 400
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2024
NUR: Cultuur- en mentaliteitsgeschiedenis

The year 2024 marks the opening of the new Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, a purpose-built facility to serve the needs of all those who engage in the study of the Middle East and North Africa from the dawn of history to the present day. To celebrate the occasion, more than 40 authors from Leiden and beyond have contributed to this special volume on the library’s rich and multifaceted Oriental holdings.

Topics range from the Ancient Near East to the material and conservational aspects of Oriental manuscripts, and the classical heritage of the Islamicate Middle East in Arabic, Ottoman Turkish and Persian. Other subjects include Berber languages, Jewish writerly culture in Hebrew and Aramaic, Eastern Christianity, the fascinating but often controversial world of Western Orientalism and the role of modernity in the twentieth-century Middle East. The essays and highlights are enhanced with more than 300 full-colour illustrations.