An African Dutch Management Affair from Sudan / druk 1

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morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789081664615
Uitgever: Business School Netherlands
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Th. Snijders
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2011
NUR: Interculturele communicatie

An African Dutch Management Affair describes thoughtfully and humorously the Sudanese way of doing business. This book reviews management incidents & accidents, and provides valuable insight on leadership training & consultancy. It reflects on intercultural communication & (mis)perceptions, and also on the electoral circus & secession threat in Sudan. It will inspire local businesspeople, managers, governmental officials and NGO-officers to reflect critically on capacity building, bureaucratic DNA and society. This book may serve too as a mirror for foreigners who idealize that in Sudan (as large as Europe), one can afford thinking big or saving the world. For those planning to live and work there: you better try to see with different eyes from the very start, and be prepared for survival by the drip. Enshallah.